Friday, May 22, 2020
The Story Of An Hour Critical Analysis Essay - 1184 Words
The Story of an hour written by Kate Chopin is the best short-story because theme, characters, point of view, and style show the attitude that some women felt or may feel regarding marriage being repressive in their life and a longing for freedom. The story opens with Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine informing her that her husband has been killed. Because of Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition Josephine and Richards, who is a friend of the family and there to help deliver the news, are concerned with how the news will affect Mrs. Mallard. When Mrs. Mallard hears the news to is over taken with grief and locks herself in her room. While in her room she imagines herself in her new life that is no longer bogged down by her duties as a wife. When†¦show more content†¦While Mrs. Mallard remembers Mr. Mallard as a kind and tender man who loved her, she also viewed him as the oppression that marriage put upon women and men. While Mr. Mallard was kind and loving to his wife, he was also controlling and overbearing. Josephine, Mrs. Mallard’s sister and Richards, Mr. Mallard’s friend is there to break the news of Mr. Mallard’s death. Richards has learned of Mr. Mallard’s death at the newspaper office, not wanting to believe the information that was received, Richards waited for the new to be delivered for a second time before enlisting the help of Josephine. They are both there to support Mrs. Mallard and their support shows that they care for Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. While there is much of a setting in this story because the story takes place in just one hour the actions within the story take place in the Mallard home. The home appears to be more than one floor, the doors have locks, and there is comfortable furniture within the home. It also seems to appear that the women are for the most part at home and the men are off working on the railroad. The setting of the story keeps in line with the theme of the longing for being free of a repressive marriage. The Story of an Hour was written in 1894 and during this time women still did not have the right to vote. It makes sense that women would have the feeling of being repressed and oppressed by men and within their marriages.Show MoreRelatedKate Chopin The Story of an Hour Critical Analysis Essay1377 Words  | 6 PagesSelf-Identity, Freedom, and Death in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†The story of an hour by Kate Chopin introduces us to Mrs. Mallard as she reacts to her husband’s death. In this short story, Chopin portrays the complexity of Mrs. Mallard’s emotions as she is saddened yet joyful of her loss. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†argues that an individual discover their self-identity only after being freed from confinement. 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