Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Lululemon Case Study - 2260 Words
Nova Southeastern University Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business amp; Entrepreneurship Assignment for Course: MGT 5090 – Entrepreneurial and Strategic Thinking Submitted to: Dr. Regina A. Greenwood Submitted by: Anais Carrasco Date of Submission: May 30th, 2013 Title of Assignment: CASE 4 – Lululemon Athletica Inc. CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.†¦show more content†¦As part of the industry analysis, Potter’s five-force analysis has been developed (see Appendix A). There is a high threat of new entrants. Barriers to enter this industry are very low since there is no need of a huge amount of capital to start a business; actually, this is one of the reasons why this industry has so many independent sellers. One factor that may lower the threat of new entrants is the fact that distribution is vital for this business. In order to get customers to know their brand, companies need a good and strong distribution network. Athletic wear industry is very profitable, and that makes it very attractive for new investors. Competition among suppliers is fierce. There are many available options for companies to choose from when it comes to suppliers. There is not much differentiation in the products they offer therefore suppliers compete among prices. Since there are so many manufacturers, and the switching cost is low; suppliers have low to moderate bargaining power. Since clothes really doesn’t have substitutes, this force is seeing from the perspective of how many alternatives are there available for customers to buy fitness wear from. Besides retailers and independent shops, customers can find active wear on the internet; therefore E-commerce is considered the main substitute in the industry because it enhance the availability of the product, as well as theShow MoreRelatedLululemon Case Study1306 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment 1 Case Study Lululemon 1. Considering the five forces of competition and how they direct the profit potential for a given industry, discuss how the forces help explain Lululemon’s performance. 2. The resource-based model assumes that each organization is a collection of resources and capabilities, which provide the basis for a firm‘s strategy and its primary source of above-average returns. Use this this model to outline Lululemon‘s core competencies and how their capabilitiesRead MoreLululemon Case Study1609 Words  | 7 PagesCase Study- lululemon Ethics and Social Responsibility Executive Summary Founded in 1998, lululemon has become an extremely successful company. Over the last 12 years of operation, its mission is to improve health, make a difference in all the communities it is located in, and provide guests with quality products to help them live healthy lives. Currently, lululemon still strives to make a difference in each community through the Community Legacies Program. Plans for expansion are also in effectRead MoreLululemon Case Study1094 Words  | 5 Pagesfood chains, which appeal to the youth, such as Chipotle and offer take-out delivery. Personally, I see Amazon capturing the food delivery service in the near future. However, some analysts such as Derrick, believe Amazon’s next step is to acquire Lululemon. All of this suggestion is highly probable. In the next century, it would not be surprising to see if Amazon was able to compete for all of these suggestions. Costco Costco’s channel management is certainly one of the reasons why the organizationRead MoreLululemon Case Study Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesLULULEMON CASE STUDY FEBURARY 9, 2013 Question # 1 SWOT Strengths: niche market leader, product technology, customer focused, quality, innovation, brand, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability Weaknesses: perceived female focus, Local centricity, price point, inventory, perceived as yoga only, distribution, and access to stores Opportunities: Product diversification, line expansion, accessories, leveraging perceived expertise, category leader, and expert Threats: BuyoutRead MoreLululemon Case Study Essay example780 Words  | 4 Pageslevels increase, and also, the introduction of women-oriented gyms has also increased the customer base by encouraging more women to partake in fitness. Moreover, the technologies of designing and manufactured apparel have been constantly improved. Lululemon`s fastest wicking fabric is primarily used in running gear for women and men which the moisture wicking is inherent in the fabric so will last for the life of the garment. The analysis from porter`s five forces shows: Rivalry between establishedRead MoreLULULEMON Ethical BehaviourSocial Responsibility1467 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY lululemon athletica There are many ways to measure the success of a business. A financial analysis of lululemon athletica, a Vancouver-based company, would show that it is valued at more than $220 million. Would looking at an improved level of health in its community be another way to measure the success of this company? lululemon athletica founder Chip Wilson would welcome your investigation of the improved health and well-being of people in the communitiesRead MoreThe Problem Of Defective Yoga Pants1297 Words  | 6 PagesBackground: This case study analysis will define the problem of defective yoga pants products, corporate corruption, and the growing media conflict of â€Å"weigh shaming†in the sizes-2-12 limits on Lululemon yoga pants. Lululemon has seen a fall in the price of stock market shares due to these major defects of yoga pants products and corporate unethical decision making processes. The Problem: Lululemon has a growing reputation for making defective yoga pants (due to sheerness and â€Å"see-through†)Read MoreLululemon Athletica Inc. Case Analysis1506 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper commences by defining the problems that were faced by Lululemon Athletica Inc in 2013. 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I will identify exactly what happened, why it happened and what was done to rectify the situation. †¨ 2.0 Background Information†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨2.1 QualityRead MoreLululemon2462 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction Lululemon is one of the Canada’s best retailers of technical athletic yoga apparel. Lululemon’s yoga inspired apparel is marketed under the two brand names Lululemon Athletica for more mature women and Ivivva Athletica for younger girls. Lululemon primary target customers are educated and hard working women, who understand the importance of healthy and active lifestyle. Majority of these women are Caucasian who are mainly urban and have higher income, since Lululemon is an expensive
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Immigration Reformation Free Essays
Mexico’s immigration policies comprise single, streamlined laws that ensure that foreign visitors and immigrants are regimented. For a better picture, these include stern rules that these immigrants are in the country legally, that they are able to sustain themselves economically, that they do not become burdens to the society, that they are of good character and have no criminal records, and are contributors to the general wellbeing of the nation. In fact, immigration authorities compile records of each foreign visitor and assure that these visitors do not violate their visa status. We will write a custom essay sample on Immigration Reformation or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are also banned from meddling with internal politics and those who violate the terms of their entry and who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported (Lillpop). Indeed, the Mexican constitution strictly defines the rights of its citizens and as one may put it, the denial of may fundamental rights to non-citizens, legal or illegal. Though its law makes perfect sense, Mexico is pushing the United States to water down the latter’s immigration rules, when, in the first place, its own immigration restrictions are the toughest in the continent. However, also looking at Mexico’s points, El Paso asks the US government to stop raids and dividing American families insisting, â€Å"We are not the Enemy, We are Part of the Solution†(Garcia Camargo). The rally down in El Paso has emphasized the need for new immigration policies that provide means for immigrants residing in the United States to attain permanent residency. Some say Mexican leaders demanding from the United States immigration laws, which contradict its own. Some even say the agenda of Mexico for such demand is clear: to have a one-way immigration relationship with the United States. However, looking at a broader perspective, I believe Mexico only wants to impose stern rules with regards to foreigners to protect its citizens and the well being of its nations. United States, on the other hand, are trying to impose the same, now with opposition from the Mexicans. Who are directly affected here are those Southerners who live in US soil and vice versa. To avoid stepping on each other’s flags and more importantly to avoid misunderstanding between the neighboring countries, each much provide room for adjustments and meet halfway so as to grant the its citizens, foreign or not, just and humane rights even if they live in a soil foreign to their true nation. Works Cited Lillpop, John. â€Å"Immigration Reform? Lets Try Mexico’s Immigration Law. †27 February 2007. Canada Free Press. 19 October 2007. http://www. canadafreepress. com/2007/lillpop022707. htm. Garcia, Fernando Camargo, Betty. â€Å"El Paso and Southern New Mexico Communities March and Rally for Just, Humane and Comprehensive Immigration Reform NOW! †. 6 April 2007. Border Network and Human Rights. 19 October 2007. http://www. bnhr. org/. How to cite Immigration Reformation, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Dehumanization the Holocaust and Wiesel free essay sample
Jacinda Ruzicka Mrs. Jones Advanced World Literature 7 April 2010 Dehumanization: Unimaginable No individual should ever be deprived of the basic essentials of human life: food, shelter, citizenship and a family to lean on. This hell, known as the Holocaust, became a reality for many. The Holocaust was the systemic genocide of over six million Jews during World War II. The unthinkable occurred all because of one man and his goal to create a super-race. That one man was Adolf Hitler. To Adolf Hitler and the Schutzstaffel or SS, the Holocaust was the final solution to the Jewish problem, thus establishing a pure German race. Much of the brutal killings and torturous acts took place in the concentration camps. Concentration camps were used to confine millions of Jews as a group to be cleansed from the German nation. Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals, and other groups of people considered undesirable according to Nazi principles, and anyone who opposed the government, were also placed in concentration camps. We will write a custom essay sample on Dehumanization: the Holocaust and Wiesel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is the process by which a select group is degraded to unimportant, meaningless things. Individuals are made to feel inferior and develop the mindset that they are nuisances to society. The persecutors work toward depriving a person of the attributes that make them human, depriving them of their right and ability to truly be an individual. During the Holocaust, dehumanization was used as a weapon that made the SS feel that they were ingenious. When they no longer considered the Jews to be humans, they were beaten, starved and annihilated in the most inhumane ways. The Nazi Governor of Poland stated, I ask nothing of the Jews except that they should disappear. (Hans Frank). This demonstrates the hatred toward the Jews that Adolf Hitler inspired in others. Hitler achieved this dehumanization process by depriving and dissecting every aspect of the Jewish population. His ploy was to remove the Jews from their homes; destroying the one place a human can feel ultimately safe. First, there the Jews were not allowed to leave their homes for three days. The SS took their most prized possessions away from them including their gold, jewels, or any other objects of value. When those three days passed, every Jew was forced to wear a yellow star. This made it easier to others to stereotype because it showed that they were all of the Jewish society. Then came the ghetto. (Wiesel 9). The ghettos were created to restrict and isolate the Jewish community. Jews were stripped of their right to property and forced from their homes once more. Each person will be allowed to take only his own personal belongings. A bag on our backs, some food, a few clothes. Nothing else. (Wiesel 11). The Jews were then forced into cattle cars and moved to various concentration camps. The arrival was overwhelming for them with numerous death areas crowding the immense size of the camp. One of the most famous of these prison camps was Auschwitz, where Elie Wiesel was forced to stay and await his destined fate. Upon his arrival, German officer stated, From this moment, you come under the authority of the German army. (Wiesel 21). This illustrates that the Jews are no longer people; they are property of the Germans. Upon their arrival, the SS immediately gave orders. The Jews were to be separated into two groups, a group of men and a group of women. Families from that very instant were destroyed. Many would never see their loved ones again. Their last moments were there, right in front of them. They could do nothing, say goodbye, give final hugs and kisses, or have appropriate partings. They had nothing but the tears, screams, and horrid thoughts to remember their segregation from each other. In this very moment, their thoughts of the future were uncared for. They wanted nothing and needed nothing because they felt nothing. Elie expresses his feelings about his separation from his mother by saying, Eight words spoken quietly, indifferently, without motion. Eight short, simple words. Yet that was the moment when I parted from my mother. I had not had time to think, but already I felt the pressure of my fathers hand: we were alone. (Wiesel 27). Though separated from his mother and sisters, Elie was lucky. He was with his father, the only family he had left, which was more than most. He expresses his gratitude with this statement, But for the moment I was happy; I was near my father. (Wiesel 30). That statement, perhaps, is the last time you would hear Elie say he was happy until after he is saved. The Jews were stripped of normality and everything that makes a person want to live in those very short moments of just stepping out of the cattle cars onto the grounds of Birkenau, the reception center of Auschwitz. Naked, beaten souls are what had become of the Jews. They were ordered to strip when they arrived at the barracks. This completely degraded them for they were surrounded by other men, naked, with embarrassment flowing through their minds. For us, this was the true equality: nakedness. Shivering with the cold. (Wiesel 32) The Jews then were dragged to the barbers, where all of their hair was cut off with clippers. All of the hair on their bodies was shaved. Making them have no differences. They were all just naked, shaved men who had hardly any differences to distinguish one from another. Wiesel explains how he felt less human when he said, It was no longer possible to grasp anything. The instincts of self-preservation, of self defense, of pride, had all deserted us. In one ultimate moment of lucidity it seemed to me that we were damned souls wandering the half-world, souls condemned to wander through space till the generations of man came to an end, seeking their redemption, seeking oblivion without hope of finding it. (Wiesel 34). This illustrates how the Jews that they no longer felt human. They feel like things, souls stuck in meaningless bodies. To continue the process, the Jews were then soaked in a barrel of petrol. Disinfected like animals, Within a few seconds, we had ceased to be men. (Wiesel 34). They were dehumanized at a higher level when they were forced to wear uniforms, takin g away more of their individuality. They became the same, there was no way to identify or recognize them as unique. As for names: what names? The Jews did not have the right to names. They were forced into living like animals. Just like cows have tags on their ears and pigs are branded, the Jews had numbered tattooed on their arms. This replaced their names. They were subjected to being treated as if they were animals. Elie tells about when he had his number engraved on his left arm and states, I became A-7713. After that I had no other name. (Wiesel 39). Deprived of a name, the one thing that differentiates one man from another completely. That is taking dehumanization to the extreme. The Jews from the beginning of the novel to the end were slowly becoming less and less human. They were taken from their homes, separated, forced to lose their individuality, and deprived of their names. They became more and more like animals while they were stowed in the concentration camps like cattle. Elie Wiesel cannot make it easier to understand but he informs us of how humans could be. It is unimaginable to say the least, how one race could hate another race so much as to feel they are unworthy of their right to human qualities or life itself.
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