Thursday, October 31, 2019
Mock Exam Question for advanced topics in international business Essay
Mock Exam Question for advanced topics in international business - Essay Example there were a large number of companies which focused on global markets with homogenous products from Europe to China yielded results only for a short period of time. This is due to various reasons, but first, because of the onslaught of the global competition, the local brands had to strengthen their marketing mix. This led to increase in the competitiveness of the local brands and the customers started to return to the local brands. The next reason is when there is an economic downturn, the spirit of nationalism starts to rise and the loyalty towards local producers is more felt among the consumers. Another major reason is the success of the global brands created a backlash against US brands in particular in Eastern Europe and in the Muslim world. These reasons have created need for the global brands to think and regionalize their brand. The regionalization of the global brand will increase the be better for the global brands because the initial glamour of buying a global brand had only short lived. If we try to understand the advantage of the global brands are they have previous experience and exposure in operating in foreign markets, they can have huge edge over the local companies when it comes to technologies and product design, which may affect in their costing and pricing. The disadvantages of the global brands in adopting a homogenous strategy is the lack of understanding of the local markets. The cultural differences and the dynamics of the market place can be myriad sometimes. The essence of globalization is global competition, when we want to win the customers we have to talk the language of the customer. Whatever may be the brand image and brand equity the question at large is whether we are able make the consumer choose our product when it is stacked in the stores. After the sales started to stagnate, the business managers of the global brands realized that they had taken the global strategies too far. Decentralization of strategic planning was
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Resource Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Resource Management - Coursework Example The need is to understand how the both Competency-Based Pay and traditional Job-Based Pay methods are bringing in value for the sake of the organizations and the aspiring employees more than anyone else. The two methods look to be different but are doing more or less the same work, yet in varied capacities which is a point that needs to be comprehended in a proper way. The Competency-Based Pay and traditional Job-Based Pay are inherently different within their work ideologies and should always be treated as such. 2. There are no easy answers to the question of what causes people to act irresponsibly. For years psychologists assumed that some employees were simply more accident prone than others, and that accident-prone people generally caused more accidents. Explain how to reduce unsafe acts through Selection and Placement, and Employee Participation. Unsafe acts that could lead to accidents within the workplace realms can be avoided if employee selection measures are handled in a pr oper way. ... This would mean that they are working to their strengths and thus given the room to exploit their own basis. This is in the form of moving ahead with the changing times. Similarly, employee participation is significant because it warrants the proper role of the employees in a quantifiable way because the quality of the employees is manifested adequately. This is the reason why employees give in their best when they are chosen correctly and the organizations in this day and age reap the rewards incessantly. The element of accidents also reduces within the realms of the organizations and the employees start giving in their cent percent day in and day out. 3. List three factors leading to job stress and identify three suggestions for reducing job stress. The three factors that lead to job stress include working beyond a certain time that is due, excess of work (both due and undue) and lastly doing work in a way that has not been asked of the individual under consideration. These thr ee factors touch upon the significant areas that lead to job stress within the organizations of today, and which lead to immense problems for the employees in essence (Minter, 1999). The there suggestions that could be given to reduce the job stress ailment is to make sure that the work is completed within the stipulated time so that there are no hangovers of the work realms in the future. Also work should be ascertained in such a manner that there is believability within its completion steps. More work means more job stress for the person who is undertaking such realms, and it is always good to estimate what kind of work he is entering into before actually going about committing the same. Also job stress could
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ways To Land Your Dream Job
Ways To Land Your Dream Job Finding your first job out of college is an exciting and sometimes intimidating process. On the one hand, your future depends on it! As you grow your needs and wants grow too, which put pressure on you to find that perfect job. On the other hand, todays world is much different from that of your parents generation. Its difficult to find a good job in this competitive age. However, that certainly doesnt mean there are fewer jobs available. There are trillions of job opportunities out there and you know that there are some in which no ones CV fits better than yours! But the only problem is that you dont know how to find that perfect job for yourself. Finding it can be downright impossible at times. Lets see how we can find that dream job. Know what youre looking for. If you havent yet identified your job target, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to do so! Only majoring or educating yourself in a particular subject does not decide what job you are going to do in the future. A major in social sciences can end up doing totally different jobs, say for example work in an NGO, or teach at a school! Similarly a business manager can deal with totally opposite operations too. So it is vital to know what are you looking for? What is it that you actually want to do? Research! Finding your ideal job takes effort. Its not enough to simply post your resume, job application, and cover letter to one company and wait for the employer to call you up. If you want to find the best job, you need to engage all your resources. Research the types of companies you want to work for and find out as much about them as possible. With internet at our disposal, research is not a big deal; however, dont limit yourself to searching on the net. Look in the local newspapers too and highlight the seemingly good companies and try them out too. Look up for a job on daily basis. There might be days when youll find nothing in the newspaper, but dont stop checking out the newspaper. You never know the day you miss to check it out, you loose on a great job. Also, if you are the first to apply, chances are the company might end up hiring you because sometimes companies are in dire need of employees and want to hire someone immediately. Use your contacts! Its okay to use your contacts to find a job. Whats wrong is that you use them unfairly! If your uncle works at a company, you can ask him to find if there is any vacancy and if the work is interesting. Finding work through contacts is relatively good because friends, relatives and acquaintances will probably always recommend something good! So why not go for it! Always be aware of job openings. You can register at different websites to get emails and newsletters that will inform you first which jobs are open and what are the vacancies. There are numerous websites that you can subscribe to for free and they will send you an alert every time there is a vacancy. You wont always hit the jackpot! Dont expect a call from everywhere you apply. Thats just wrong and doesnt happen usually! Also, if you get a call from a well reputed company chances are that they appoint you at a small position, dont get disheartened! Work hard and you will get promoted very soon. Always remember that an entry is very important and is the first step towards your ultimate goal. Choose carefully! While its tempting to accept the first offer you receive, consider it carefully. You dont want to be stuck in a job you hate. If possible, stay in your first job for at least a couple of years to demonstrate your dependability and to gain useful skills. Whether you move up in the company or change is up to you and your options; however, the first job is very important in your entire career. When you get the job. Once you have the job, first congratulate yourself! Then, do the best work you can. When done well, your first job can be the foundation upon which you build a successful and enjoyable career. Once you get the job, its as difficult to sustain it. Finding the job is only half of the equation of the sum! For most positions there is a lot of competition. You have to stand out! So, heres how to do that! Be efficient! Always be efficient at work, for that consume coffee, sleep early at night or do whatever that makes you feel awake! Its easy to sleep during lectures but if you boss catches you sleeping in your cabin, then you are dead! Try to be helpful towards coworkers and dont indulge in office politics. I know girls cant help hearing and being a part of office gossip, but that might get you in trouble so dont do it! If someone starts a conversation that sounds like gossip, dont say anything! Just listen, nod and forget it! Communication skills. Improve your communication skills because every job requires that! Good communication skills are a great plus point and you can afford to lack that. Work on them and make sure you are polite yet convincing with coworkers at the workplace. Dress well. Always dress professionally at work. No one wants to see your sense of fashion over there, your professional skills are more important! They will be noticed so work on them. Its important to dress according to the environment of your workplace, if people at your office dress casually, you can dress casually too. However, dont dress casually if everyones formal! Its not a good idea to look unique! Believe in your strengths. Rather than crying over your weaknesses, try to believe in your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. Also, dont make your weaknesses prominent instead hide them from the employer especially. Try to adopt a behavior by which you can show your strengths to the world. Confidence! Confidence is the key element in achieving anything, be it a job or anything. So, have confidence in yourself! Every company wants to hire an employee who is confident. Working as a professional is very different than studying. During college and school you can hide behind your friends or classmates and not face the teacher to answer, but at work you cant hide from the boss! The only way to solve this problem is being confident and facing challenges! Still reading? What for? Go and search for the perfect job, with these tips no one can stop you from getting it! Good luck!
Friday, October 25, 2019
John Updikes A&P Essay -- English Literature
John Updike's A&P Many of the events that take place in John Updike's "A&P" would not have happened had the town lived under a Marxist society. Marxism is a socio-economic ideal where all people work for the good of the community and is characterized by not having any social class distinctions. The division of Classes in "A&P" is very apparent, especially between Sammy, the protagonist and first person narrator, and the three girls, one of the three antagonists, who walk into the store during the exposition. There is also a cast disparity between Sammy and Lengel, the store manager and another antagonist (along with society, who complete the three). A distinction is also noticeable between the three girls and the rest of the shoppers in the convenience store. The story is told entirely in flashback and is set in a grocery store in a town north of Boston, Massachusetts during one Thursday in summer. During the exposition we learn that Sammy is working one of the cash registers. Later in the story we are told that he is 19 years old and by his description of how his parents treat company we can assume he comes from a middle class family. We are lead to believe during Sammys narration that the three girls, on the other hand, come from a rich or high societal background. The way Queenie is described by Sammy as having prima-donna legs and walking slow while holding herself straight paints a portrait of a high society woman. The fact that Sammy calls her prim twice also leads us in that direction. Sammy looks up to Queenie because she is different and places her on a higher level than the "sheep" in the store. When Sammy quits his job, creating a conflict between he and Lengel, his motive is to become the .. us she was embarrassed by the whole situation-where she felt out of place because of her high stature in society. These scenes, of course, would never have taken place in Marxist cultures because the government would have provided for it's citizens and the girls would have never found themselves being humiliated in front of a lesser class of people. All the conflicts that take place in Updike's "A&P" would have been avoided in a Marxist society. Lengel and Sammy would have never had a confrontation because Sammy would not have been trying to impress a high society girl. Likewise, the three girls would not have found themselves shopping for a snack in the A&P because the government would have provided it for them. This leaves us with one question, however, In a Marxist society, would Sammy have realized his adulthood or would he have remained a child?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Assisted suicide Essay
Assisted Suicide In the 1990s, ‘Doctor Death’ Jack Kevorkian invented the first assisted suicide machine in the world. He was then thrown into prison for 7 years (Pickert). This caught people’s attention and made them question whether it should be legal to request physician assisted suicide, which is when someone asks a physician to help him or her terminate his or her life. This topic became one of the most popular discussions in recent years, but the truth is that it has actually been a centuries- old debate. For both logical and humanitarian reasons, assisted suicide is not right and should not be legalize. Is it right for a nation founded on Christianity to allow citizens to choose assisted suicide? Can a decision that is made by a mentally ill person be treated as a rational decision? Is the prevention of pain an acceptable circumstance in which to end a life? People still do not have a widely accepted answer. It is not clear whether physician assisted suicide is right or wrong. Assisted suicide should not be viewed solely as affecting one life, but should be viewed as a decision that affects many. The declaration of independence states that everyone has the right to pursue happiness In whatever way they choose. Many argue that a decision to kill oneself is a private choice, that society should not be, and has no right to be concerned. America believes that with its freedom, people can do almost everything based on their own choices. Physician assisted suicide is also one of the choices that they can decide. The common argument is that these people are adults who can make rational and reasonable choices, however many people who request physician assisted suicide are mentally ill. Of those who attempt suicide but were unsuccessful, less than 4 percent go on to kill themselves in the future, which means that most people changed their mind after a period of recovery. Psychological evidence shows that those who ask for physician assisted suicide in order to avoid pain are normally ambivalent, and they usually attempt to end their life for other reasons than a settled desire to die. Since assisted suicide has already become a popular way to end suffering and pain, people who were in the status might feel it is necessary for them to kill themselves since they have in their mind become a burden to their family and society. Some would say it is wrong for such an impression to have the power to persuade a personto end their life due to their weakness and disability. As a Christian nation, America wants a positive and happy image for the country. American people value the meaning of life, and According to what most of the Christians believe, God is the one who created life. Then how can people have the right to end something that they did not even create in the first place? American society does not think assisted suicide is good as a whole, because assisted suicide is still a self-caused death, which is equal to suicide. Although there is always a vague line drawn between assisted suicide and attempted murder. Assisted suicide is the opposite of happiness because it demonstrates utter depression. It is clear that American society sees assisted suicide as wrong, because there is a suicide watch team among the police and counselors at schools who are trained to help and avert suicide. Asking for assisted suicide as a form of pain relief and signing a release form is not acceptable either. People cannot solve problems by trying to get rid of them. People who stand against physician-assisted suicide believe that suffering is just a stage of life. And lots of people who were prevented from assisted suicide will tell you that they all passed that stage successfully, and they are appreciative that they were stopped from asking for physician-assisted suicide. Assisted suicide also hurts the people who care about those who were asking for a physician assisted suicide. Patients might get relived from their long suffering and pain but their family will be hurt from one’s immature decision. The person only thought of their own feelings and never considered others who are around them and how they feel. Families and loved ones will be upset about their decision to take their lives in a selfish act. Other evidence that shows assisted suicide is wrong is the fact that there are always suicide prevention billboards in communities. This should show the government that people do not want those around them to commit suicide. People who fight for the right to have physician-assisted suicide argue that assisted suicide can bring benefits to both patients and society. They believe that people who choose assisted suicide will die with dignity rather than suffer the pain of illness( O’Steen, Burke). That they will not let their family and friends suffer anymore by showing their weakness and sickness. By choosing assisted suicide, patients can also reduce a huge amount of medical expenses that insurance does not cover. To benefit society, their organs can be donated to save people’s lives (Humphrey). Doctors and nurses can spend more time on recovering patients rather than waste time on patients who are assured death, and of course, they still think it is a part of one’s freedom to be able to choose for himself whether to live or die. Whether it is one’s rational decision to chose to end their life has always been the center of this debate. Because with out arguing about one’s free right, those who favor assisted suicide will lose an important statement. Although there is a ton of evidence showing that physician assisted suicide is not right, it is a fact that so many people are still in favor to legalize assisted suicide. They believe that rather than give people hope to live, telling them the truth and offering them an option is more reasonable. They argued that in some ways, it is humane to give dying people assisted suicide; society is okay with people helping a sick or dying animal yet people are not okay with letting a sick and dying patient go. It was said that humans are too selfish to let their loved ones go, even if death would be a comfort. People who think it is illegal for a physician to offer assisted suicide are accused of wanting to control other people’s lives. People think that one has his/her own will about their life that no one is suppose to tell them what they should do and should not do. Especially when their faith to live is completely gone. It was understood as a merciful behavior for a physician to offer help to end one’s life. A new statement was also brought up to argue in the favor of legalize assisted suicide. It is that if one can reject medical treatment to prolong life then why can’t one request treatment to end it? Many people found this statement be reasonable and useful to support the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. After centuries’ debating, there is still no certain answer for those questions that are brought up by the topic of assisted suicide. Two sides are still debating about the benefits and negative effects of assisted suicide. Still to this day no one is able to convince the either group to change their views on this topic. In 2006, the US Supreme Court ruled that legalizing assisted suicide is to be the responsibility of each state respectively. No one can yet predict how long this topic will still be an argumentative topic for debate, And no one can predict how this issue will effect human life in the future. But overall, do people really possess the right to kill a life that was not created by them? It is still a big question that no one has yet given an answer that can satisfy everyone. Maybe one-day people will find out the right answer and that assisted suicide will be a new thing that brings benefits to the world. Physician suicide should be banned due to its negative cause and impaction to society. People who think assisted suicide should be illegalized because of the value of life to a society is still the majority; ending a life is not so simple that people should decide to do so on their own. Work cited Pickert, Kate. â€Å"A brief history of assisted suicide.†a brief history of assisted suicide. N.p., 3 Mar. 2009. Web. 13 Sept. 2013. . Humphry, Derek. â€Å"Liberty and Death: A manifesto concerning an individual’s right to choose to die.†Assisted Suicide – Information on right-to-die and euthanasia laws and history. N.p., 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. â€Å"Declaration of Independence – Text Transcript.†National Archives and Records Administration. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. O’Steen, David N. , and Burke J. Balch. â€Å"Why We Should Not Legalize Assisted Suicide | New York State Right to Life.†Welcome | New York State Right to Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. Information on right-to-die and euthanasia laws and history. N.p., 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 18 Sept.2013. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Scientific Management in Mcdonald’s Operation
This is an essay about scientific management in McDonald’s operation, I believe the largest fast food McDonald’s is the most successful model on scientific management. Scientific management is a branch of classical approach; Taylor said scientific management is standardisation which means people in organization should be uniformed by company rules or policy which are some written documents. Scientific management is a very important part in management area, since look at the history of management. People are living in different groups such as school, factory, hospital and company etc. If there is no group to organize people’s life, then our society won’t be developed so far. But only organize people is not enough, we also need to manage those people to do their job more efficient. So scientific management is a system learns from previous experience. The reason we using McDonald’s example in this assignment, because it’s the largest fast food organization in the world and also it the most successful case for scientific management. McDonald’s management system is perfectly following scientific management system from producing to selling, even though McDonald’s brother never studied ‘scientific management’ (Eric, 2001, p. 9). McDonald’s is the largest franchising cooperation in the world, so it must deeply understand the concept ‘copy’ and ‘standardization’. In the rest of the essay I would like to write this topic with indentify four key scientific management concepts, and how th ey applied in McDonald’s case. Also I am going to discuss four critical arguments according to those four concepts. Treat people like a machine is one of the concepts in scientific management. By my own understanding, this concept means letting people to do the same job again and again to maximising organizational profit. As Hawthorne said management system of treating people like a machine will improve the productivity efficiently. ( Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. , 2008, p 95). People working in McDonald’s must follow its instruction to do the job, normally one person in one position. People don’t have to move too much steps in their work place. McDonald’s has their own ‘Made for you’ system, which means they make fresh when you order. For example, when custom order a ‘big mac’ combo, people who making buns will toast the bun and pass it on to the person who making burgers, and wrapping it up ready for the custom. People who dose fries will put it into the box, finally people who in the front counter puts all these together for the customer. Everyone in McDonald’s just dose their job and pass it to the next. Each person repeatable does their own job for that shift. So working in McDonald’s doesn’t need too much skill, but a highly repeatable job, and this is the main point of scientific management. Efficient achievement of clear organizational goals is another main concept of scientific management, as Taylor said ‘management should maximum benefits for both employers and employees’ (Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. , 2008, p 91 ). Therefore, employer’s benefit is getting maximum profit by minimum cost. Scientific ordering people to do the job is the essential element in scientific management, for example, two people equally to do one project may not do it efficiently. However, if we order one person to do the main part, the other one as the supporter then the result would be more efficient. That is scientific distribution. In another word, the managers need to clearly understand organizational goals and efficiently achieve it no matter what method they use. (John, 1982, p 159). In McDonald’s case, their goal is making maximum burgers in certain time; therefore, scientific management instead of people management is the only way to reach this goal. In New Zealand, more and more 24hrs McDonald’s opened in last 5 years, I remember in 2002, McDonald’s in New Zealand normally open from 7am to 10pm. From 2005, McDonald’s started using ‘Made for you’ system; this is a classical scientific system since employee must follow particular instruction making the food, therefore, this system save 80% waste compare with before. The big saving is also the profits for the organization. In other way, this improves the efficiency of the achievement. Every organization has its own policy and procedures; they are standardising and consisting the company by these policies and procedures. Policy and procedure are some written documents. Organize a small group may use people management, since there is a certain size to limit; however, if only use people management to manage large company like McDonald’s won’t be that easy. Scientific management will be perfectly suit large organization; McDonald’s is the most successful case in the management world. McDonald’s regulate each product in certain cooking time, for example, 3 minutes for fries, chicken patty for 100 seconds, 9 pieces 10:1 patties each grill, and 6 for 4:1 patty. So every crew in McDonald’s learning all these procedures by doing their job. Each of them follows the procedure and supervisor’s instruction to make sure keeping the same standard of McDonald’s all around the world. The result of the costing price dropped with a huge number since people clearly follows the procedure; so today custom can enjoy the same quality of service at any McDonald’s in the world. People like making decision by their feelings, however, intuitions are not always right. So compare with that, systematic analysis is more accurate and efficient in the organization. Systematic analysis is a main and key period of scientific management. The main job is the communication between analyser and customers. Back to McDonald’s case, people who work in marketing department need a research of what’s hot and what’s not of their products, and then they need to get information from customers, frontline employees and some publics. So after analysis the report, they get a proper result much more accurate than just feel from the daily experience. Nothing is perfect, even though scientific management is a great management system it still having some disadvantages in some situations. Treat people like a machine is the classic sign of scientific management, personally I worked as a part timer for McDonald’s for one year, I have to say this management system is great for efficient performance, at the mean time it makes me feel really like a machine not a human. By the way, they pay minimum wages but actually hard works. So I wasn’t enjoy working there at that time, that’s why fast food organization like McDonald’s always has high staff turnover rate; because they don’t treat people properly so young people like us only go there for money and some experience. Made for you†system give mistake rate a big drop, but old employees still missing the old system a lot. Before ‘MFY’ came into McDonald’s, we feel McDonald’s like a big family, we like to asking front counter people how many burger they need, and how many fries we need to prepare; but now it all controlled by computer, there is no communicatio n, no decision making and no interaction at all. Sometimes I found I lost myself, I am just a burger making machine. One key concept of scientific management is copying; repeating work is the main responsibility of workers. It is good on keeping low cost of mistake, but people stay in the same environment and copying same working from the past. This restricts innovation and creativity from both managers and workers. McDonald’s main menu hasn’t been changed for over 30 years; it’s hard for them to create new products. Also it will be a huge cost of getting a new line of new products because each product in McDonald’s has its own production line; such as special machine for buns, regulation on oven size, same size of patties and so on. (Kincheloe, 2002, p. 59). Standardizing is an important element of creating global brand; managing big organization all around the world must keep them on same standard, and then people trust this brand. Customer keeps the company running is the basic concept for any business. Keep good standard is the most important guarantee for the company; however customer may get tired of eating same food in a long term period. Policy and procedure are two key things to keep the standard of the company, good policy and procedure will reduce cost and mistake, but also decrease employees’ skill development and regulate them to know more inside McDonald’s. This could make people unsatisfied with their job. (Pica vet, 2009). Since McDonald’s opens everywhere in the world, each country has different culture and background, too much policy and procedure will restrict their development in certain countries. Systematic analysis is doing well in McDonald’s case; it’s a great idea in management. Things are always good and bad, systematic analysis gets information and after select useful information it makes result. From science point of view, that’s more accurate than experience management. In contrast, people who become manager levels depend on their experience more than the ability of systematic analysis. Business is a real world, it is a real practise. So sometimes manages make decision from their past experience are more efficient. This essay is around scientific management concepts and how it applies in McDonald’s operation. Scientific management is a system using data analysis and build a scientific production line to get maximum profits for both employer and employee. The essay introduced four main concepts of scientific management including: treat people like a hand rather than a people; Focus on efficient achievement on clear goal; standardising through policy and procedures and using scientific analysis rather than intuitions. The final part of the essay I discussed four arguments based on those four concepts, it shows both advantages and disadvantages in real life. Reference Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. (2008). Management (3rd Asia-Pacific Ed. ) Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons. Eric, S. 2001). Fast food nation: the dark side of the all American meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. John, E. K. (1982). Scientific management, job redesign, and work performance. London; New York: Academic Press. Jonathan, R. t. ( 2005 ). Organization theory and public management. Belmont, Calif: Thomason/ Wadsworth. Kincheloe, J. L. (2002). The sign of the burger: McDonald’s and the cultur e of power. United State: Temple University Press. Picavet, E. (2009). Opportunities and pitfalls for ethical analysis in operations research and the management sciences. Omega; Dec 2009, Vol. 37 Issue 6, p 1121-1131, 11p.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What Is the Feminist Perspective of Isabella Essays
What Is the Feminist Perspective of Isabella Essays What Is the Feminist Perspective of Isabella Essay What Is the Feminist Perspective of Isabella Essay Elliot saying of her although highly strung in temperament, [Isabella] was a woman of great character and determination, she knew her own mind. I would therefore hypothesis that the feminist perspective of Isabella would be favorable and as a great woman of history. Lies portrays Isabella as a woman who knows exactly what she is doing and all her actions are purposeful and done to benefit her Interests. She saw Isabella as very aware of her Limitations as a female and thus presented herself and Ferdinand as equals to strengthen her Queens, hence Glenn It more power. Lies sees Isabella as a woman who was very pious and acted In many situations, such as the Reconstitutes of Granddad and the many other holy wars she embarked on, because she believed It was the will of god. Isabella used holy wars to justify her reign and enhance her power regularly, as was the situation when she declared war against Portugal, her piety and belief this was gods wish bought the Castling churches support and this was a key factor in her triumphing over the Archbishop of Toledo and Portugal. Lies believes that Isabella I of Castle is a global figure who has and shall continue to outlast her time period, she is still revered in many places in modern society-this is especially so in Spain. Heisenberg gives another feminist perspective on Isabella, one which is less favorable. Heisenberg argues that she gives herself such a heroic reputation by editing the chronicles and therefore portraying herself as a strong woman, miscalculating herself, and missing Henry IV-her predecessor- making her seem Spains rescuer. Isabella diminishes Henry greatly, depicting him as a monster, insinuating that he had Illicit relationships with Bellman De la Guava and Joanna of Portugal and that he Was not all man. Pelican is a chronicler which Heisenberg brings to attention, he became uncomfortable with writing the chronicles with rose tinted spectacles and began to write for Ferdinand, he contradicts what most of chronicles of the time say and Insults women. He describes women as weak creatures prompted by desire, that they were masters of deception and pretence, Indirectly insulting Isabella and dismissing all the writings of her being a strong independent ruler. The fact that Heisenberg has Introduced this alternate view on Isabella shows how she does not fully agree that Isabella was a picture perfect queen, as the majority of chronicles would have you believe. On the contrary, another chronicler Vulgar consistently wrote In favor of Isabella pronouncing her as willful, strong and controlling by her own discretion. Hellbender still considers these two pollens and looks at other evidence that shows of how Isabella attempted to change peoples Image of her, for example she carried an unsheathed sword ahead of her at her coronation, a phallic symbol, which again masculine her to give her more power and respect from those whom she ruled over, such as the Cortes, and her enemies to show her strength. Isabella is said to have patriarchal views of authority and centralism, and as such had to portray herself as a masculine figure, capable of ruling a country and leading it to victory and loggers seems to ample Isolable never seen appears to Delves much success. Of the empowering, admirable characteristics of her were either emphasized or completely fabricated in chronicles edited by her to ensure she was remembered with respect and admiration. Both Lies and Heisenberg have similarities in their views, both agreeing that Isabella edited the chronicles, however Heisenberg seems to think they were more than altered slightly to give a more favorable view. Linked to this they also believe that she was clearly wise in the way of image making, both in he chronicles and in her time period she altered her image to ensure people thought of her as she wished. Isabella piety is reflected in both of their views, both proclaiming that she imitated both Mary and John the Baptist-believing she had Gods favor. They are also undisputed in the conviction that she had to beat the Archbishop of Toledo in order to become successful. Personally I believe that, like Lies, Isabella was successful and had very admirable qualities and that she was indeed pious. However I do think that although she may have believed that she was doing Gods will in some cases such as the Reconstitutes, the war against Portugal and the Archbishop of Toledo I believe she claimed it was a holy war to gain support in a strongly Roman Catholic Spain as she was a very tactile, intelligent woman. I agree with Heisenberg that she was continuously trying to portray herself as masculine to give her more control and power. I am unanimous with Heisenberg and Lies that Isabella did edit the chronicles to seem more favorable to her.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Decorating a Christmas Tree Essay Example
Decorating a Christmas Tree Essay Example Decorating a Christmas Tree Essay Decorating a Christmas Tree Essay Christmas tree became a tradition that bought the family together at the beginning of the holiday season, and sadly for Mark, I turned into the Christmas Tree Lady From Hell. The first step for decorating the tree is carrying it up from the basement and taking off the plastic cover. Using the vacuum cleaner, I clean the dust off of the tree. Once that is done, we put the tree together as we place it in heavy metal Christmas tree stand. To decorate the tree, we move it close to where its going to stay and go upstairs to dig out all the decorations. It takes two ladders one on each side of he tree, to place the decorations appropriately. Thats when all the real decorating fun begins. The first thing I require Is that all the branches must be bent Into place, starting from the top down. They need to be cautions doing this because after so many years of bending the branches to form a beautifully tree, the metal has started to weaken. Mark and my kids have to make sure each branch curves in the perfect position before I allow them to move onto the next step. Once I am satisfied that the tree branches are prefect, I begin directing them as how to put the lights on. Because f the numerous strands of lights required to cover the tree, I always buy extra lights at the after Christmas sales. As we take the lights out of the boxes, the family groans because I make them check each light strand. As they begin putting on the lights, I stand back and make sure that done of the same color lights are too close together. Once that Job Is accomplished, its time for everyone to take a break because I may have driven them a little nuts. If I can get them back on their feet again, It Is time to start putting on the garland; I always check the garland to make sure there are no are spots. Its always best to have extra garland on hand, just in case of damage over the years. If it checks out k, they can start hanging the garland from the top of the tree and hand it to each other around the tree making sure all the loops are the same. If it doesnt look right, I have a ruler handy so I can measure all the gaps. As soon as this is done, my husband says it is time for a drink before the next step. When the time comes to put on the ornaments, my family doesnt really seem to mind as much. As we gently take them out of the boxes, I can hear the comments my kids are making. Every year my children Antennas and Kyle would receive an ornament from their grandma. When she got to where she couldnt afford to do it anymore I took over buying them. In addition I bought ornaments for my grandchildren. These ornaments have special meaning behind each one. I try to buy ones that relates to something that they have accomplished for that year. This has become a family tradition that can be passed down from generation to generation. Because the ornaments are so dear to ten Tamely we carefully separate teem Day color, Ana style. Each ornament has to be dusted; now the fun begins. I require the ornaments to be hung so none of the same colors are together. We strategically place them on the tree. As soon as thats completed I look the tree over thoroughly to make sure the colors and style of ornaments doesnt clash with each other. Its time for another break; I sometimes think my husband is union. The hardest part is over; all we have left to do is to place the bows on the tree. Next we hang the bows which have a special memory for me. My mom bought them for our first Christmas celebration at our house. We take them out of the boxes where they were stored. Each has to be tragedienne so they look like a perfectly shaped bow. We place one bow at a time on the tree making sure none over lap each other. It is important to be careful not too have them too close together, so as not to cover up the ornaments and lights. After that if I am satisfied that the bows are properly hung right, we can do the final steps. The last step to make the tree perfect is placement of the angel. Shes the most important part of the decorations. I take her out of the box and smooth her dress, wiping the dust off. Then I hand her to my husband at the top of the ladder whos been waiting for this final step. He places the angel at the right angle where she can face the front of the room watching over everybody enjoying their day. Finally its time to for us to scoot the decorated tree into place, and I can lay the beautiful tree skirt beneath the tree, to hide the cords. Now my husband and kids are free so I can finish the rest on my own. Now out comes the tiny village and as I clean it I make sure all the lights work. At this point I set the lighted village in order beneath the tree. After that the model train is cleaned and placed under the tree and around the village. In my eyes the tree is perfect. Decorating the Christmas tree at my house can sometimes drive everybody a little crazy. My husband always makes the comment that he cant wait until we get ready to sell our home to a younger couple so we can pass down the Christmas tree. No matter how annoying I can be putting up the tree it seems to bring us together as a family to decorate it. When the tree is decorated, we turn on the tree lights, the village, and watch the train travel around the tree. Immediately my family knows that its worth all the headaches I put them through. Now we can breathe a little lighter and sit around the fireplace and enjoy our hard work.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Autism Psa
NAA provides many programs to help support individual with ASD as well as his or her family, including the Helping Hand Program, Big Red Safety, and Progress Research. NAA strives to help the autistic community while offering opportunities to support this cause. Before knowing what NAA is, it is important to have a better understanding of the disability called autism. Autism is a bio-neurological development disability which impacts development of the brain and areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism often have physical limitations such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, feeding disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping disorders, difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communications, social interactions, and much more. ASD is not just autism it includes other disorders such as â€Å"autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) and Asperger syndrome†(Autism Speaks, 2012). There is much controversy as to why people have autism. The biggest argument is that autism is due to vaccinations because of the chemical exposure. Other exposures to the environment can cause autism if the immune system has certain conditions. Another argument is genetics, but the rate of increase of autism today makes genetics an unlikely reason. It was once believed the way a child is raised by their parents has an influence on autism. A few other arguments include: pesticide exposure, parental age, pharmaceuticals, freeway proximity, and limited prenatal vitamin intake. NAA suggests to families that if they have a child with autism, they should research various causes to become more aware and have a better understanding as to why a child might have autism. NAA has a mission statement that includes: â€Å"The mission of the National Autism Association is to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential. †(National Autism Association, 2012) Having an autistic family member can be a challenge; NAA can help the family members as well as the person with autism in many different ways. NAA helps parents to understand â€Å"You’re Not Alone,†after explaining that they will help you find a support group close to you. This can be through the Yellow Pages or by going online to find a NAA chapter in your area. They also provide some links for support and discussions where you can ask questions, state concerns, or simply talk to others who may be in the same situation. In addition to providing sources to help families find support, NAA has many programs to help afflicted families. Through these programs, NAA’s goals are to strengthen autism families by providing support, giving them up-to-date information on research, funding research, and raising awareness. NAA provides support through the Helping Hand Program, Big Red Safety Box, and Progress Research. The Helping Hand Program is a program that helps families who cannot afford the medical expenses related to their family member with autism. NAA reaches out to families who make less than $50,000 a year by providing financial aid. This can be used for specialized medicines and therapy services for the treatment of autism. The Big Red Safety Box program, when funded, provides a life-saving tool kit at no cost to families with a member with autism. A donor can pay $35 to have a Box provided to a family. The Box provides tools to help keep a person with autism safe in their home. Some items include: education materials and tools, two door/window alarms with batteries, personalized engraved shoe ID tag, five stop signs for doors and windows, safety alert window clings, and a safety alert wristband. NAA supports research for ASD because they believe that one day a cure will be found. NAA’s research fund supports studies which show promise for children suffering now. Research seeks cures, discovers new treatments, answers questions, and promotes progress. Among the many challenges of having a child with autism is keeping the child out of harms way is one of the most difficult. The Big Red Safety Box mentioned earlier provides tools to equip the home with safety accommodations, but there are other dangers to a child with autism. NAA provides information on how to keep the child from wandering, gives advice on how to respond to bullying, and suggests methods for suicide prevention. A California research team showed that mortality of people with autism has high numbers in drowning as a result of wandering; in addition, there are other wandering factors that are the cause of death. NAA provides twelve ways to prevent ASD wandering. First, the caregiver should understand wandering patterns and prevent anything that would cause the person to wander. Second, teach the child about safety by showing pictures or use simple explanations familiar to the child. Third, secure the home with door and window alarms or even fencing in the yard. Fourth, have the child wear a wrist band or anklet with a tracking device in case of emergency. Fifth, have the child wear a medical ID bracelet with his or her name and telephone number and other important information. Sixth, enroll the child in swimming lessons. NAA provides a list of YMCAs that are available for special needs swimming lessons. Seventh, alert neighbors that the child may wander, and who should be notified when they see this. Eighth, alert first responders, so that if something may happen, they can improve response with the information given to them. Ninth, have a â€Å"tag, you’re it†strategy, where the child tags the closest adult who then becomes the person watching the child closely. Tenth, secure external settings such as school or camp know policies and inform teachers about wandering. Eleventh, learn from others by researching or asking people who also have children with autism. Twelfth, never have s false sense; as the child grows up, he or she will learn new things and have more abilities, so be sure to make changes as they grow and learn. These twelve steps can help prevent ASD wandering, and keep the child safe. Bullying is a serious issue in schools, especially in relation to students with autism. Children with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied. There are multiple forms of bullying, and each one can be detrimental to a child’s learning and future. NAA has resources and provides information about bullying for parents of a bullied child and the student who is being bullied. NAA also provides information on suicide prevention and gives help via sources such as suicidepreventionlifeline. org. Whether a person has a family member with a form of ASD or ASD touches the heart, help can be provided in various ways. NAA helps the autistic community but they need donations and support to continue to do so. NAA provides a venue to collect donations. This can be done in honor of someone. The donor may choose to purchase items at NAA’s â€Å"Little Shop of Hope,†where the proceeds benefit NAA. It is possible to start an online fundraising site or choose rom other methods of raising funds. ASD affects more children than any other childhood disorder, yet it is the least funded disorder. Helping raise awareness of NAA can provide more resources for research to assist members of the autistic community. NAA is an organization that provides assistance to those in the ASD community. Because of NAA’s many ways of support, the autistic community is pro gressing to becoming more informed and supported. Autism is a large part of the world, and until there is a cure it will continue to be. It is important to remember that NAA needs the communities support to continue on in their Mission â€Å"to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential†(National Autism Association, 2012). Works Cited â€Å"National Autism Association. †National Autism Association. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. http://nationalautismassociation. org/. â€Å"Autism Speaks. †Autism Speaks. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. http://www. autismspeaks. org/.
Friday, October 18, 2019
IAS 16 and IAS 40(International Accounting Standards) Essay
IAS 16 and IAS 40(International Accounting Standards) - Essay Example How will Gale plc determine whether the building is an investment property or not? As per the presented information, it is hard to determine whether the building is an investment property. This is due to the fact that, according to the definition presented by IAS 40 in website, an investment property refers to such property that includes buildings and land or part of such that is either held by the legal owner or lessee for the purpose of earning rentals or for the reasons of achieving appreciation of capital or even both. Examples of such property are with the inclusion of land that is held for the prospected use in indefinite future or for the purposes of its appreciation in value, a building being leased under the type of lease known as operating lease or even any given property that has been developed or constructed for future utilisation as an investment property. Therefore, owner occupied property that is being held for future disposal does not really fall under inv estment properties. (, 2011) (b) After initial recognition, describe the accounting treatment that should be adopted for a building in accordance with IAS16, assuming it is not an investment property? IAS 16, as Holt writes, deals with (PPE) Plant, Property and Equipment. The definition put across by IAS 16 with regards to Plant, Property and Equipment is any tangible type of asset which any given entity may hold for rental purposes or for own use and which the same entity expects to utilise for more than a period. This PPE could have been either constructed or bought by the reporting entity. Any item falling under PPE has to be recognised by the reporting entity as an asset. In case the future benefits as well as losses that are expected from the asset can be reasonably quantified, then the item of PPE should be taken in the books of the entity as an asset. PPE, in accordance to IAS 16, is originally recognised in the books at the cost of the item and this is the fair val ue of the price paid to obtain the asset. The costs that have been incurred in the process of having the asset in its condition of working should be capitalised as the IAS states. These cost outlays may be with the inclusion of architects’ fee in the case of a building. If applicable directly attributable types of overhead costs as well as borrowing costs should form part of the costs. During the stage of production, all earned revenues should form part of the incomes in the income statement as opposed to capitalising the same. Following the initial recognition of such an asset that falls under PPE, like in this case- a building, the given asset should be valued at cost minus any accumulated depreciation or at the amount of revaluation, which is the fair value of the asset minus depreciation. Note that in the case of fair value, such must be reliably measured. There should be subsequent revaluations with enough regularity to allow for the carrying amount to be in the whereabo uts of the fair value. Revaluation may bring about a surplus or a deficit and this, according to IAS 16 should be included in the retained earnings. In case of depreciation, the depreciable amount is to be allocated using a systematic way over the useful life of that asset, (in this case the building). (Holt, 2010) (c) After initial recognition, describe the accounting treatment that should be adopted for an investment property in the accounts according to IAS 40? In the process of accounting for property, be it buildings, land or parts of buildings, is to classify such in accordance to IAS 40. If such assets are for capital appreciation or rental purposes as opposed to supply or production of commodities, not intended for disposal or for administration then these should be reclassified from Property, Plant and Equipment to property for investment if such is deemed essential. (Wittsiepe, 2008 p133) An investment property shall be accounted for in the accounts as an asset only under the situation that; there can a reasonable way to
Discussion board reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Discussion board reply - Assignment Example Hence, if the applicant is eligible and fulfills all the vital criteria of recruitment of the job, he or she should get the job, irrespective of class, race, culture or nationality. Another important issue raised is the role of advertising in recruitment. Indeed, advertisement promotes inclusion as people coming from diverse background become aware of the job opportunities and they have the option to apply for the advertised jobs. Moreover, internet has become a powerful medium of communication that greatly facilitates direct interaction between people or between the organization and the people. Thus online applications for recruitment not only saves time and money but it also helps recruitment managers to vet the applications and gives opportunities to job seekers to apply for the job online. The recruitment officers can then whet the applicants as per the job specifications and call only those who fulfill the basic job criteria. Thus, open advertisement for job should be favored against target recruitment and provide people from different background with equal opportunities to apply for the
Research Issues and questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Issues and questions - Assignment Example The best way to make a student understand is the use of pictorial description. Students can easily learn by watching a movie or pictorial description on the subject. Written tests should be conducted regularly so that students can assess their performance. If they get a lower grade teachers should help them through counselling or any other possible way. Teaching staffs employ methods like pairing students and make them to work as a group. Another method that could be used is pair checking. In this method one student checks another student's work. This improves their capability of grasping the subject. Lectures by visiting professors help in great deal. Seminars should be conducted regularly. Students should be given an opportunity in giving seminars. Presentations play a vital role in seminars. This helps in assessing student's presentation and communication skills. Identifying and nurturing competent ideas in different subject areas, varied classes at different level. Integration of skills needed to life should be incorporated into curriculum, textbooks, instructional materials and teaching-learning and evaluation process. Identifying suitable grade/class for introduction of second language on the basis of analysis of linguistic situation in the state.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Oscar Pistorius; I Blame Myself for Taking Reevas Life Essay - 87
Oscar Pistorius; I Blame Myself for Taking Reevas Life - Essay Example Second, he has to deal with the prosecution and prison sentence of 25 years to life if he is found guilty of premeditated murder. And lastly, he has to deal with public scrutiny because the trial is publicized around the world. He did not only lose his girlfriend but also his privacy and possibly, earning the wrath of many people around the world. It is like, he against the world for accidentally killing his girlfriend. The news is credible not only because it used law terms such as cross-examination, premeditated, and that the defense, as well as the prosecution’s argument, are presented. In addition, the actual coverage of the trial was shown (but is not record anymore because it is already over) for the viewers to see and hear the actual proceeding of the trial. The news cannot be more credible than that. The news is about the annexation of Crimea, a province of Ukraine by Russia. In this news, it is about the seizure of the Crimea airbase by Russian troops. Putin alleged t hat many of Crimean residents are of Russian root and they are annexing it to protect its citizens. As a backgrounder, this happened after the ouster of former Ukraine President _who ordered the killings of demonstrators after they protested the President’s agreement with Russia. Ukrainians wanted their future with the European Union and not with Russia. At present, United States are threatening for more sanction against Russia with Putin just shrugging off the possibility of harsh sanctions. Putin’s troops, however, remain a threat to Ukraine. My thought here is that Russian President Vladimir Putin is clearly wrong because no matter how he argues it, invading another country’s province is wrong. He is behaving like Second World War Europe where countries will just invade any countries.
China,Japan and Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
China,Japan and Korea - Essay Example This form of government was in existence since 1644 to 1911 and it had a number of dynasties, for instance Xia, Shang and Tang (ChinaI 2). Though this form of system was in existence for a long period, it had a number of faults that were the main reason for its fall. According to historical studies, some of the problems associated with this form of political system were that it was marred with not only nepotism but also corruption (ChinaI 11). For instance, court officials themselves were corrupt to the extent of planning intrigues against one another. Citizens were levied high amounts of money in form of taxes that the government spent on undertaking expensive military expeditions. Another example of the poor political system emerged during Mao Zedong era. Mao’s form of government was quite dictatorial that no one would dare oppose his opinions. Since not everyone loved Mao’s form of governance, this resulted to the Cultural Revolution in 1966 that lasted for one decade (ChinaVI 3). During the revolution, Chinese students openly criticized the government. The case was similar during Deng Xiaoping reign whereby students were also unhappy with the form of governance, hence held protests in Tiananmen Square. After turning down the order to vacate the square, Deng sent an army to disrupt the protest that resulted to massive loss of lives, most of whom were students (ChinaIV 18). Just like China, Japan also had numerous issues due to poor ancient political systems. Historically, the Togukawa government ruled Japan. The system comprised of shogun, daimyo and the samurai (Japan V 3). Apart from collecting taxes, the Togukawa government also had the task of controlling cities in addition to maintaining civil order. Japan had both formal and informal institutions; informal institutions comprised of Zoku and Amakudari. Whereas Zoku was a policy tribe comprised of politicians working together for a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Research Issues and questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Issues and questions - Assignment Example The best way to make a student understand is the use of pictorial description. Students can easily learn by watching a movie or pictorial description on the subject. Written tests should be conducted regularly so that students can assess their performance. If they get a lower grade teachers should help them through counselling or any other possible way. Teaching staffs employ methods like pairing students and make them to work as a group. Another method that could be used is pair checking. In this method one student checks another student's work. This improves their capability of grasping the subject. Lectures by visiting professors help in great deal. Seminars should be conducted regularly. Students should be given an opportunity in giving seminars. Presentations play a vital role in seminars. This helps in assessing student's presentation and communication skills. Identifying and nurturing competent ideas in different subject areas, varied classes at different level. Integration of skills needed to life should be incorporated into curriculum, textbooks, instructional materials and teaching-learning and evaluation process. Identifying suitable grade/class for introduction of second language on the basis of analysis of linguistic situation in the state.
China,Japan and Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
China,Japan and Korea - Essay Example This form of government was in existence since 1644 to 1911 and it had a number of dynasties, for instance Xia, Shang and Tang (ChinaI 2). Though this form of system was in existence for a long period, it had a number of faults that were the main reason for its fall. According to historical studies, some of the problems associated with this form of political system were that it was marred with not only nepotism but also corruption (ChinaI 11). For instance, court officials themselves were corrupt to the extent of planning intrigues against one another. Citizens were levied high amounts of money in form of taxes that the government spent on undertaking expensive military expeditions. Another example of the poor political system emerged during Mao Zedong era. Mao’s form of government was quite dictatorial that no one would dare oppose his opinions. Since not everyone loved Mao’s form of governance, this resulted to the Cultural Revolution in 1966 that lasted for one decade (ChinaVI 3). During the revolution, Chinese students openly criticized the government. The case was similar during Deng Xiaoping reign whereby students were also unhappy with the form of governance, hence held protests in Tiananmen Square. After turning down the order to vacate the square, Deng sent an army to disrupt the protest that resulted to massive loss of lives, most of whom were students (ChinaIV 18). Just like China, Japan also had numerous issues due to poor ancient political systems. Historically, the Togukawa government ruled Japan. The system comprised of shogun, daimyo and the samurai (Japan V 3). Apart from collecting taxes, the Togukawa government also had the task of controlling cities in addition to maintaining civil order. Japan had both formal and informal institutions; informal institutions comprised of Zoku and Amakudari. Whereas Zoku was a policy tribe comprised of politicians working together for a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business Essay Example for Free
IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business Essay IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business The following IP schema is designed to fit the needs of the Warehouse Company. The company has purchased and installed all of the required equipment for the network infrastructure. After consulting with their design team and gathering the required documentation and network designs, we are ready to proceed. The network design requires an IP schema that will minimize the cost of public IP addresses. Due to this requirement we will use a Class B IP address solution with a default subnet mask of 11111111. 11111111.00000000.00000000 or I am calculating the need to have 2 possibly 3 public IP addresses. In order to meet the IP requirements for the company’s 367 devices that include 260 hosts for Boston, 80 hosts for Dallas, 12 hosts at Seattle, 4 general servers and 3 DMZ servers, I will use the network address The broadcast IP address is172.16.1.255. The subnet mask will be The /23 will support 512 hosts, leaving 145 available hosts. The IP address ranges are assigned as follows: Boston (280) through Dallas (80) through Seattle (12) through General Servers (4) and network equipment through The DMZ servers with out-going rules set will be through The link-local unicast IPv6 network address will be fe80::ac10:0, the broadcast address will be ff00::ac10:1ff. This equals 119 bits and the host range will be from fe80::ac10:1 through fe80::ac10:1fe.
Monday, October 14, 2019
An expository sermon on holy living
An expository sermon on holy living An expository sermon on Holy Living Introduction How many of you feel Holy this morning? Dont worry you dont have to lift up your hands. When some one talks about Holiness the first thing I think about it God and His holiness. This morning I want to talk about our call to a holy livinglife. We all know that we are called to live a holy life but what do we do about it. DO we make any effort towards it or are we just praying for God to make us Holy and waiting for fire to fall down from heaven to make us Holy. We live in a world where holiness has lost its meaning. In this contemporary society everything goes, we can do anything as long as we feel good about it. What is our responsibility in this world, What are we called to do in this un holy situation? So we are going to look at the reasons why we are called to live a Holy life. Main Points 1. We are called to live a holy life because He is holy (1: 16) A] Real meaning of holy The word Holy is derived from a cluster of words in Greek. It means to be pure, to be set apart, sanctify and so on. But no meaning of this word can describe it properly.[1] Christ was the perfect example for Holiness. Be Holy for I am Holy is mentioned for about 5 times in the Bible. Holiness is not a new thing which the apostles discovered in the New Testament, it was present from the beginning of the Old Testament. He God gave Moses all the laws not to make their life difficult but to bring them one step closer to holiness; one step closer to Himself. B] One of the fundamental characteristics of God Gods Holiness can neither be understood nor grasped by our human minds. Holiness is one of the images of God which was lost in the garden of Eden. It could be only replaced by God Himself, by dying on the cross and making us pure. HE is always Holy. We are called to live like Him. So we are called to be Holy. When we were made we were made in the image of God. One of His fundamental images is holiness. So we were obviously made Holy. But we fell from our holiness because of our disobedience. We are missing out in one of the fundamental images of God. We have to be made into his image so one day we can see His face. If we are not made into His image we will not see Him face to face. It is just as simple as that; if we are not holy, we will not see God. C] Illustration Once, as an experiment, the great scientist Isaac Newton stared at the image of the sun reflected in a mirror. The brightness burned into his retina, and he suffered temporary blindness. Even after he hid for three days behind closed shutters, still the bright spot would not fade from his vision. I used all means to divert my imagination from the sun, he writes, But if I thought upon him I presently saw his picture though I was in the dark. If he had stared a few minutes longer, Newton might have permanently lost all vision. The chemical receptors that govern eyesight cannot withstand the full force of unfiltered sunlight. There is a parable in Isaac Newtons experiment, This is what the Israelites experienced in the wilderness. They had attempted to live with the Lord of the Universe visibly present in their midst; but, in the end, out of all the thousands who had so gladly fled Egypt, only two survived Gods Presence. They were all revealed and called to be Holy as God. But only two survived in the end.[2] 2. We are called to live a holy life because we do not conform to evil desires (1: 14) A] We also have our share in Holiness (Hebrews 12: 14) It is true that when we come to salvation in Christ He washes all our sins away and makes us Holy. We become perfect and clean through Jesus, but it is our duty to then keep ourselves clean. Holiness is not only what God can give to us but it is also what we can manifest with what He gave us. Paul says it quite clearly in Hebrews 12 : 14 (NIV) To make Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be Holy. ; Without without which we cannot see Godholiness no one will see the Lord. Holiness is a serious matter. We tend to take God for granted. When we give in or conform to the evil desires of the world, we say that it wasnt our fault but it is our flesh. We blame it on our human nature. Paul challenges us not to try to be holy but take every effort possible in other words we must strive or even fight to be Holy. Effort means to use energy to get something done.[3] Holiness should be such a longing of our heart that we would put our whole energy to get it done. B] No compromise in Holiness Holiness is being spotlessly clean. Without Holiness we can never enter the presence of God. The Old Testament priests were the perfect example of this. The priest entered the presence of God only once a year. They dreaded that moment. Thought it was regarded very high to enter the Holy of Holies, it was dreadful at the same time. In that moment if they were found guilty of sin , there was no time for explanation they were just struck dead. They prepared themselves for the whole year for that one day in Gods presence, the presence of the Holy God. We are so privileged that there is no curtain between God and us, we dont need a high priest to stand in for us anymore, Christ has already done it for us. We can enter Gods presence anytime anywhere we want. As for us its not a once a year thing its an every day thing. WE are living in the age of grace, God does not strike us dead anymore, though grace is available for free it is not cheap, so let us not take it for granted. C] Illustration In the forests of northern Europe and Asia lives little animal called the ermine, known for his snow-white fur in winter. He instinctively protects his white coat against anything that would soil it. Fur hunters take advantage of this unusual trait of the ermine. They dont set a snare to catch him, but instead they find his home, which is usually a cleft in a rock or a hollow in an old tree. They smear the entrance and interior with grime. Then the hunters set their dogs loose to find and chase the ermine. The frightened animal flees toward home but doesnt enter because of the filth. Rather than soil his white coat, he is trapped by the dogs and captured while preserving his purity. For the ermine, purity is more precious than life. HGB[4] It doesnt always cost our lives to be Holy. But most of the time it could cost things or people that are dear to our hearts. When we are of this world, we make the things of the world our own. We usually cling to things and people which could take Gods place in our lives. So when we come to Christ we ought to replace them with Christ. When we do the right thing, even our own friends might not understand us, their there might even come times where we have to give them up for holiness, for there is no compromise on Holiness. 3. We are called to live a holy life because we were redeemed by the precious blood. (1: 23) A] Free access to Holiness The way of Holiness (Isaiah 35 : 8) It is true that we dont have to do anything to become Holy because we are washed by His blood. But we have to take effort in keeping it. It is quite clear in Isaiah 35: 8 that the way to God is holiness, there is no other way. Christ has done his part, by making the way. But to keep our self on the highway or to get kicked off lies on our hands. There is no place for unclean or wicked people on this road. B] Set Apart to be an example We are set apart and called to be holy not to seclude ourselves from the world but to be the light. D.L. Moody, A holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine. One of the misconceptions in the churches today is that they become holy and they become literally set apart. They dont associate or mingle with the people of this world. They develop something which is famously called as the Holy huddle. They become so holy that the people of this world cannot even get close to them, they just have to be set apart. But that is not what God has called us to be. The difference between the Pharisees and Jesus was that Jesus toughed touched the unclean but they didnt. The Pharisees where were Holy as well, they did everything God commanded them to, but they didnt understand it. We are not called to be a Pharisee but we are called to be more like Him. We are not made Holy to be set in museums as specimens but to reach out to the unclean in turn. When we be come holy day by day let us be humbled by the fact that we dont deserve it , but it is through grace. Reach out to make them Holy. As the story of Isaac Newtons experience let our holiness hurt their eyes, not to chase them away from us but to draw them closer to Him who has called us to be Set apart, to be Holy. In conclusion let us make every effort to be more like Him every day. Let us just not sit back and pray for holiness but take every effort to be holy. Holiness is not only what God gives us but it is what we manifest with what He gave. Let us not compromise with the things of the world. Are we willing to lay down everything to pursue holiness? Holiness is not only works and deeds but is also passionately pursuing a relationship with God. Let us never compromise with holiness. If you are thinking that you have done all these all through out your life. Youve always been pursuing God for holiness and have a wonderful relationship with God, then dont become a Pharisee. Let us not settle down in that place in a holy huddle but let us affect others with our holiness. Let us be a light shining in this unholy land. We are set apart not to be in a museum but to be a light, that hurts the eyes but still draws them closer. Bibliography [03 September 2009] Fwd. Ogilvie, L. J. Nelsons Three in One Bible Reference Companion Nashville: Thomas nelson Publisher, 1982 [03 September 2009] Ed.. Martin Ralph p. and Davids, Peter H, Dictionary of the Latter New Testament and its development Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1997. [1] Ed. Ralh P. Martin and Peter H. Davids, Dictionary of the Latter New Testament and its development (Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1997), p. 485. [2] [03 September 2009] [3] Fwd. Dr. Llyod John Ogilvie, Nelsons Three in One Bible Reference Companion (Nashville: Thomas nelson Publisher, 1982), p. 206. [4] [03 September 2009]
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Statement of Cash Flows Essay -- essays research papers
Statement of Cash Flows Paper      The Statement of Cash flows is a very useful financial statement that can benefit investors, managers and even auditors. The statement of cash flows has not been around as long as the other financial statements such as the balance sheet or income statement. It basically â€Å"illustrates the way accounting evolves to meet the requirements of users of financial statements.†(Marshall, 2003) The statement of cash flows is designed to provide important information about the cash that a company has received or has paid out during a certain time period. It provides a reason for the changes of cash received and paid by a company by taking into account all financing, investing and operating activi...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
United Nations :: essays research papers
The United Nations 1.     As far as peace keeping methods go, the reputation of the United Nations is very pitiable. This is not only because they have not been doing their job to it’s fullest extent, but also because the member states on the security council haven’t given the UN the power it needs if it is to be a successful force in peace keeping methods. 2.     The United Nation idea was first brought to head during World War II, when 26 nations of the world pledged to work together as one. The United Nations was officially operational as of the 24th of October 1951, with a minor 51 countries signing the UN charter. A stable base was set-up in New York. 3.     The UN structure is a very well thought-out one. The UN contains over 150 countries, with 5 main heads of state. These 5 countries are America, France, Great Britain, Russia and China. The 5 head countries always make the decision on whether to help a country that is in need or not. The basic structure is that there is a general assembly, which is the head of the UN. Off that there are 5 separately run systems, which are International court of justice, Economic and social council, Security Council, secretariat and the trainee council. All have different, yet major roles in striving to make the UN a success. 4.     The Security Council is the council in charge of the peacekeeping side of the United Nations. The Security Council contained 15 countries in 1995. The countries were Argentina, Botswana, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Nigeria, Oman, Russian Federation, Rwanda, UK and the U.S. China, France, UK, U.S and Russia are all permanent heads of the council. There are over 50 countries now listed in the Security Council. 5.     The UN can be so ineffective because they do not have the power they would like to have. The United Nations have no power under the current charter to simply waltz into a countries disputes with out any permission being granted. Both countries must invite the UN in, but the Security Council must also agree with this as well. The countries involved in the Security Council must also provide the necessary manpower quickly. This takes time and hinders the UN’s power. 6.     Somalia – In 1992, after 23 months of Barre’s rain there was an estimated 300,000 people who died of starvation. A vanguard of UN peacekeeping forces was sent in to restore order.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Unmanned Drones: Immoral?
Jordan Morris Dr. Flores Eng 103 February 27, 2013 Unmanned Drones: Immoral? I chose to research two articles that take opposing sides on the use of tactical unmanned aerial vehicle drones that are being used in combat over seas seeing as how there is so much controversy surrounding this topic in the news nowadays. â€Å"The unmanned aerial vehicle also known as UAV is an aircraft with no pilot on board. UAV’s can be remote controlled or fly autonomously based on pre-programmed flight plans†(www. theuav. com). These unmanned â€Å"drones†are used in the military for a number of things including intelligence gathering and attacks terrorist groups.The first article is the better of the two when it comes to convincing the reader. Although fighter planes have the advantage of and experienced pilot behind the wheel, unmanned drones are more accurate, less expensive and safer than fighter planes. The point of the first article â€Å"Five Myths about Obama’s D rone War†(Washington Post) is to convince the reader that it is ok to use drones in combat. He talks about how during wartimes it is crucial for the weaponry to evolve, from slingshots to bow & arrows to guns to fighter planes to unmanned drones.He says, â€Å"that from a moral and ethical standpoint drones are little to no different than rifles, bombers or tanks. †(Washington Post) He also says that drones are some of the most precise weaponry used in combat theses day but doesn’t really provide statistics. â€Å"Drones should not give give us a false sense of security. The intelligence required for targeting may require U. S. boots on the ground. †(Washington Post) Drones are much less expensive than fighter aircrafts so it would make sense for a poorer country to invest in building drones instead of fighters. This presents a dilemma for the U. S. ecause we are more prone to attacks, as seen on September 11, 2001. In the first article Mark R. Jacobson lists 5 myths that have been sparked about the use of these drones, and then explains his view on each one. Jacobson address’s the statement â€Å"Drones are immoral,†which is a great way to start the article seeing as how that’s what most people perceive them to be. He says, â€Å"Drones are neither autonomous killer robots nor sentient beings making life-or-death decisions. Yet, with the â€Å"Terminator†-like connotations of the term, it is easy to forget that these vehicles are flown via remote control by some 1,300 Air Force pilots.Drones are an evolution in military technology, not a revolution in warfare. †This statement is a prime example of Logos, the appeal to logic, because he takes a very straightforward approach to the topic at hand. He then goes on to use Ethos when addressing the statement, â€Å"Drones allow us to fight wars without danger. †Jacobson states that, â€Å"Drones should not give a false sense of security. Th e intelligence required for targeting may require U. S. boot on the ground. †This characterizes the idea of a community still being needed to gain information and do some â€Å"dirty work†for there to even be the need for a drone strike.In the second article â€Å"Drone Strikes: What’s the Law? †(LA Times) author Vicki Divoll discusses the execution of U. S. citizen Anwar Awlaki by our government in a drone attack. Her article deals with the 5th Amendment’s admonition: No American citizen shall â€Å"be deprived of life, liberty or the property without due process of law. †Her style of writing is more like the Tolmin Model of Argument. This article had much more emotion involved which made the reader a lot more engaged in what the author was talking about.Instead of writing in a way that might focus purely on the different types of appeals, the second article is written in a way that focuses more on an initial claim that is backed by supp ort evidence. In addition, the author mentions Awlaki’s story, which provides an emotional involvement for the reader to remain engaged. The author’s claim in the second article is that American citizens should be entitled to their constitutional rights. Her story about how Anwar Awlaki, an American citizen, was reportedly targeted and killed demonstrates the fact that not every citizen is being treated equally.She goes on to provide support for her claim by discussing, â€Å"the Supreme Court case Hamdi vs. Rumsfeld, a 2004 Bush-era Supreme Court decision, to justify that the government believes that there are no due process problems with the drone program. But the memo writers make an inexcusable mistake: They cherry-pick the decision, disregarding the heart of what the justices said. †In the case she mentions, Yasir Hamdi, a U. S. citizen arrested on the battlefield in Afghanistan, set out to challenge his indefinite detention in an American military facilit y as an enemy combatant.The administration at the time argued that, in wartime, the executive alone should determine who the enemy is and what measure can to be used against him. The court disagreed and sent Hamdi’s case to a lower court for a review of factual accuracy of his enemy combatant designation. This review never happened and Hamdi was deported. The Supreme Court's reasoning in Hamdi remains the most applicable legal example that applies to targeted killings. Divoll writes, â€Å"Significantly, eight of the nine justices agreed that Hamdi was entitled to an impartial review, outside the executive branch, of the facts of the case.Only Justice Clarence Thomas bought the Bush administration's theory of executive power. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing the principal opinion, reminded us of the court's decades-long admonition: â€Å"A state of war is not a blank check for the president when it comes to the rights of the nation's citizens. †O'Connor further e xplained how the due process clause operates in wartime when the executive branch is making a determination about the fate of an American citizen. Hamdi's interest in liberty, she wrote, must be balanced against the needs of the executive in fighting a war.You don't need a law degree to apply that reasoning to targeted killings. If the executive cannot act alone when an American's liberty is at stake in the post-9/11 War on Terrorism, the Supreme Court would be at least as concerned when an American's life is on the line. The court has always ruled that the more crucial the individual interest at stake, the more ‘process’ is due. †All this is a great source of support for Divoll’s claim. The second article had much more factual evidence to back up the author’s initial claim and yet still provided a sense of emotion to keep the reader interested.The two stories provided by Divoll were perfect examples in which the author could refer to and point out the flaws in our system. Although she doesn’t come right out and blatantly state it, I believe that the author would agree in my previous statement that it is ok to use unmanned tactical drones on American citizens only if they have refused to exercise their right to due process. Work Cited Page 1. http://www. theuav. com/ 2. http://articles. washingtonpost. com/2013-02-08/opinions/36988550_1_drone-strikes-drone-pilots-civilian-casualties (Washington Post) 3.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Humanism: Link between Religion and Science Essay
Humanism is probably the greatest contribution of the Renaissance period which changed not just the political and religious climate of the era but also started the scientific explorations that lead to the advancements in science we enjoy today. The American Humanist Association defines humanism as â€Å"a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. Humanism is said to have paved the way to the ideological, political and religious explorations during the Renaissance and Reformation periods that eventually gave birth to Scientific Revolution. To better appreciate the role of humanism in the advancement of science, we need to look at the events surrounding the Renaissance period. Renaissance, which refers to the period 1400 to 1650, is between medieval Christian era and Scientific Revolution. It is a period between religious domination and enlightened exploration. According to Kreis in his lecture on Renaissance Humanism, it is a period between â€Å"faith and reason. In medieval Christian civilization, only one church existed- the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope, who is the head of the church, governs everyone. People rely on God and prefabricated doctrines for every decision. Everyone is demanded to obey and believe. In the society, individuals are subordinate to the majority. Collective thoughts and decisions reign over individual preferences. Laws and customs regulate everything that happens in the land. People have no individual rights. Questioning authorities is not permissible. People are not allowed to think for themselves and explore their potentials. Renaissance period gave birth to humanism. According to Kreis in Renaissance Humanism, humanism promoted â€Å"independence of medieval tradition. †It shattered every fabric of the medieval influence. It brought people from blind obedience to progressive thinking. Humanism reformed the mind of people. It gave individuals a new way of looking at themselves and the world. It promoted self worth and confidence to the individual. It encouraged people to think for themselves, explore new ideas, learn new things and express their thoughts. It gave people the opportunity to view themselves apart from the church and society. This freedom bred doubts about the old system. People started challenging the norms and laws of society that held them captive. They started to question the authority and teachings of the church. Niccolo Machiavelli, one of the thinkers of Renaissance wrote â€Å"God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us†(p. 95). This is a humanist statement challenging God and his authority. Machiavelli mentioned â€Å"free will†which is opposed to the collective decision and religious obedience of medieval Christians. Furthermore, he also referred to the â€Å"glory which belong to us†encouraging people to recognize their worth instead of subjecting themselves to the dictates of society. The freedom to challenge norms and explore new things started by the humanists instigated the Protestant Reformation that divided the Roman Catholic Church. Furthermore, it also led to interests not only in personal development, politics and religion but also in the natural world. People started to notice their environment and find new things. This new-found curiosity about nature set up the Scientific Revolution.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Bancassurance in Asia
The effect of bancassurance in the first quarter of 2010, was an increase in total premium income to $26. 91 billion, up 44% compared with the same period of 2009, this represents 8% higher compared to the overall insurance industry growth within the same period. Cotham, 2010) The main contributing factors for this trend have been the rapid growth of the Chinese economy leading to higher per capital income and the multiple economic reforms leading foreign companies to enter the insurance industry. In addition, the regulations introduced in 2003 played a major factor for the bancassurance growth. These regulations permitted banks to have multiple insurers as suppliers (â€Å"many-to-many†model). For instance, some major banks worked with 30 different suppliers for life insurance, and as many as 10 for property and casualty insurance. (Paribas, 2012) Although this model created growth, recently it has contributed to the slow down in the bancassurance market. Through this model, numerous complex insurance products were created and offered to clients by bank staff with minimal insurance expertise. As a result, demand decreased due to the lack of consumer understanding of the product and lack of trust. In addition, other major challenges in the bancassurance market are the financial market volatility (which makes insurance products less appealing compared to other wealth management products), intense competition and constant changes in regulations (particularly the introduction of CBRC 90 which prohibits insurance salesman from selling in banks). In turn, sales have declined. For instance, in 2011, sales through the bancassurance channel declined significantly and were blamed for an overall slowdown in premiums growth, from 29 percent to 11. KPMG,2012) India Just as in China, insurance products in India have been sold traditionally through agents. In addition, the insurance industry was entirely monopolized by the public sector. However, since the opening to private companies in the early 2000’s bancassurance through the distribution model has gained market share. In fact, it now accounts for about 25 per cent of new business for private insurers, with trends indicating that the proportion could rise to 40 per cent by the year 2013 (Cotham, 2012). In addition, India’s rapid economy has also played a major factor on bancassurance growth. However, just as China, India faces major challenges. The major challenges are poor manpower management, lack of a sales culture within the bank, no involvement by the branch manager, insufficient product promotions, failure to integrate marketing plans, marginal database expertise, poor sales channel linkages, inadequate incentives, resistance to change, negative attitudes toward insurance and unwieldy marketing strategy. (Sarvanakumar, 2012) Bancassurance in Asia The effect of bancassurance in the first quarter of 2010, was an increase in total premium income to $26. 91 billion, up 44% compared with the same period of 2009, this represents 8% higher compared to the overall insurance industry growth within the same period. Cotham, 2010) The main contributing factors for this trend have been the rapid growth of the Chinese economy leading to higher per capital income and the multiple economic reforms leading foreign companies to enter the insurance industry. In addition, the regulations introduced in 2003 played a major factor for the bancassurance growth. These regulations permitted banks to have multiple insurers as suppliers (â€Å"many-to-many†model). For instance, some major banks worked with 30 different suppliers for life insurance, and as many as 10 for property and casualty insurance. (Paribas, 2012) Although this model created growth, recently it has contributed to the slow down in the bancassurance market. Through this model, numerous complex insurance products were created and offered to clients by bank staff with minimal insurance expertise. As a result, demand decreased due to the lack of consumer understanding of the product and lack of trust. In addition, other major challenges in the bancassurance market are the financial market volatility (which makes insurance products less appealing compared to other wealth management products), intense competition and constant changes in regulations (particularly the introduction of CBRC 90 which prohibits insurance salesman from selling in banks). In turn, sales have declined. For instance, in 2011, sales through the bancassurance channel declined significantly and were blamed for an overall slowdown in premiums growth, from 29 percent to 11. KPMG,2012) India Just as in China, insurance products in India have been sold traditionally through agents. In addition, the insurance industry was entirely monopolized by the public sector. However, since the opening to private companies in the early 2000’s bancassurance through the distribution model has gained market share. In fact, it now accounts for about 25 per cent of new business for private insurers, with trends indicating that the proportion could rise to 40 per cent by the year 2013 (Cotham, 2012). In addition, India’s rapid economy has also played a major factor on bancassurance growth. However, just as China, India faces major challenges. The major challenges are poor manpower management, lack of a sales culture within the bank, no involvement by the branch manager, insufficient product promotions, failure to integrate marketing plans, marginal database expertise, poor sales channel linkages, inadequate incentives, resistance to change, negative attitudes toward insurance and unwieldy marketing strategy. (Sarvanakumar, 2012)
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Hip-hop Cubano Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hip-hop Cubano - Assignment Example In the vicinity of all these factors, people in some way lose sight of the reality that Cubans create, work, and live there. People also assume the fact that Cubans do have a world view and culture that in actual sense exists; not a retort against the United States, not a retort against anybody, just Cuban. Jacobs-Fantauzzi has created the documentary with respect and love for the Cubans he features. These are youthful hip hop musicians who express their standpoints in consideration to the broader societal context. These artists have a nearly significant identity that is devoid of falsehood or peculiarity. The documentary simply follows these artists in their everyday lives of discussion, performance and production of hip hop in Cuba. The documentary then proceeds as these Cuban artists go to the US to record an album and perform for the first time. Cuban Hip hop is a movement. It is an awakening for youths and a discussion place for the realities of their livelihood. The scene is informal; performances occur on the stage with several microphones, or someone’s backyard, and the style used is old-fashioned (Fernà ¡ndez, p.4). For that reason, Hip Hop Cubano is visualized as a social documentary that highlights occurrences that people put into focus presently. For instance, these issues include identity, poverty, development, world politics, globalization and certainly the USA. Behind all this, on the other hand, is a documentary that concerns a faction of youthful individuals well-informed and certain of themselves. These are musicians with complete faith in whatever they do, and their potential results in a change in the society. Just as the United States’ Hip Hop started as a form of imaginative articulacy that brought awareness to harsh social situations, Cuban Hip Hop reveals the indestructible and inventive spirit created from a populace suppressed by the United States ban on Cuba. Hip Hop Cubano acts as a reminder of the
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