Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Work Of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe Architecture Essay
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ( 1886-1969 ) , a German-born designer is widely regarded as one of the pioneering Masterss of Modern architecture, responsible for set uping and popularising a new architectural manner in the U.S. Mies left Germany in 1938 to head the Armour Institute, which subsequently became the Illinois Institute of Technology. His design of the Main Campus and of other of import edifices, such as the flat towers at 860 and 880 North Lake Shore Drive in Chicago and the Seagram Building in New York, helped put a new aesthetic criterion for modern architecture. ( Blake, 1960 ) .Mies created an animating twentieth century architectural manner, stated with high lucidity and simpleness. He carried the ideals of rationalism and minimal art to new degrees. His work in US made usage of modern stuffs such as steel and glass to specify interior infinites. ( Kostof, 1995 ) . He called his edifices â€Å" skin and castanetss †architecture. He wanted to accomplish an architec ture with a minimum model of structural order balanced against the implied freedom of free fluxing infinite. Mies ‘ Buildings in US radiate the assurance, reason and elegance of their Godhead, free of ornamentation surplus. ( Blake, 1960 ) His doctrine that â€Å" less is more †became a guideline for designers in the twentieth century. ( SearchQuotes ) With the constitution of a new campus for the Illinois Institute of Technology ( IIT ) , Mies van der Rohe had the chance to be after the campus every bit good as several other of edifice. The Minerals and Metallic elements edifice ( 1942- 1943 ) was Mies ‘ really first building on the campus. This edifice marked the first measure toward the realisation of Mies ‘ maestro program for the IIT campus which was one of his most celebrated plants in America. This undertaking is â€Å" non something made by the God of Crown hall †stated by Kevin Harrington but instead Mies urges us to understand the edifice as portion of the development of his ain architectural language.This is where we foremost see his passage from signifiers that has been â€Å" beloved to his bosom †, seen in his work in Europe, to new signifiers that were â€Å" possible, necessary and important †. It is in the Minerals and Metallic elements edifice we foremost see Mies usage of invol ute -steel- I beam as portion of his structural grammar. Mies ‘ unconventional usage of steel was a map to the interior of the edifice, and it inaugurated a technique he used once more in his undertakings in America. Giedion,1982 ) . Crown Hall ( 1950-1956 ) . This edifice situated on the IIT campus is a modern chef-d'oeuvre. The National Historic landmark described Crown hall as â€Å" A consecutive forward look of building and materiality, which allows the construction to transcent into art †. Crown hall is an tremendous room, 120 ten 220 ft. in program, 18 ft. high without interior columns, used for the architectural school. The edifice is raised several pess above the land to let visible radiation for the below grade school of Design. The most interesting point is the structural solution of open structural beams above the roof, doing dear the method of accomplishing the clear-span inside. The immense graduated table of the edifice and the column-free unfastened program of the chief floor of Crown hall demonstrates Mies ‘ advanced construct of making cosmopolitan infinite. Mies van der Rohe ended his relationship with the school in 1958. ( Blake,1960 ) Exterior, entry facade Open program of Crown hall, making cosmopolitan infinite. Switching off from Mies work on IIT campus, another of his well celebrated work is Farnsworth House ( 1946-1951 ) .A little weekend retreat outside Chicago. The ‘Farnsworth house ‘ is one of the most radically minimalist houses of all time designed. It ‘s interior, a individual room, subdivided by dividers and wholly enclosed in glass. â€Å" The mutism speaks to us through the gentle and contlingent scene of the house on its site †Hartoonian ( 1984, pp.48 ) .The edifice is held together by merely eight steel columns. Mies van de Rohe was able to recognize spacial and structural thoughts. For illustration the I beams are both structural and expressive. â€Å" The usage of glass negates the dialectics of enclosure and openness †Hartoonian ( 1984, pp.48 ) . Farnsworth House which may look as an iconic glass box to be viewed from afar is instead a infinite through which life unfolds both independently and interdependently with nature. ( Blake, 1960 ) . Sketch of Mies Farnsworth ‘s House. Floor program of Farnsworth House. The Seagram Building on Park Avenue was Mie ‘s first effort at tall office edifice construction.Mies creates a arresting memorial to the International Styles religion in simpleness and lucidity. The 38-story tower rapidly began the state ‘s most influential and copied office edifice, an instant classic. The edifice ‘s external faces are given their character by the quality of the stuffs used – the tinted glass and the bronzy ‘I-beams ‘ applied all the manner up the edifice. In the image below you can see the edifice is pulled back from street line to let the edifice to besiege the reverse commissariats of the metropolis codification â€Å" every bit good as make its ain external respiration infinite †( Kostof,1995 ) The Seagram Building is the first bronze-coloured skyscraper. The metal bronze tegument that is seen in the frontage is non-structural but is used to show the thought of the structural frame that is underneath. Extra perpendicu lar elements were besides welded to the window panels, non merely to stiffen the tegument for installing and air current burden, but to aesthetically farther heighten the perpendicular articulation of the edifice. ( Blake,1960 ) . Exterior position from the northwest Structural program of one corner, demoing the chief. wharf and projecting I- beams. 860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments in Chicago is another of Mies ‘ high rise edifice where he implied the same manner of modern architecture carried in his undertakings in the US. The 26-story towers surrounding Lake Michigan give a beautiful waterfront position. The ground for this creative activity involved his construct that architecture should be independent of the site. The edifices are renowned for their structural lucidity and composing on the site. The same common stuffs are used in this undertaking: steel, aluminum and glass. The most impressive characteristic of the edifice is the tegument and bone look of the steel and glass towers.The steel I-beams effortlessly define the construction while the glass suspends and encloses infinite. It is obvious that he relies on lucidity of signifier achieved through elegant proportions. Prior to this point, construction was hidden within architecture, but here we see a change.Mies merged the two by exposing the steel, recognizing his ain words: â€Å" When engineering reaches it true fulfillment, it transcends into architecture †This is non merely seen in this undertaking but many of his other undertakings in the US. ( Blase,1999 ) Two flat edifices at cross axis towards one another on the triangular site presenting position of environing country. Another of Mies really dramatic undertakings is Federal Center.Here one time once more we see the minimalist glass and steel design which is really simple yet really dramatic. Harmonizing to the AIA usher of Chicago: â€Å" Mies ‘s sturdy devotedness to principle, together with his vaunted sensitiveness to proportion and structural item, and, in this instance, the organisational graduated table, combine to give the composite a monumental urban presence. Both towers are curtain-wall constructions, feature of the high-rise design of Mies ‘s American period. Their steel frames, suppressed behind unvarying walls of glass and steel, are marked off by projecting steel I-beam mullions. The Post Office, a unitary infinite with a cardinal nucleus, is likewise typical of Mies ‘s reductivist construct of the single-storey marquee. Externally thin yet powerful structural columns of steel brace tremendous window glasss of tinted glass. †The place at the federal centre is cold, uninviting which minimum seating and with this the one narrative station office, everything feels really useful. But this does non intend Mies lacked an oculus for detail.His oculus for inside informations is seen through all glass design, which was really calculated every bit good as the granite tiles of place to the granite walls in the anteroom. Black I-beams expression really industrial running up the side of the edifice and are wholly cosmetic. The Alexander Caldwell ‘s flamingo construction in the centre is marked contrast to the field edifice behind it. ( Blaser,2004 ) The place of the Mies new wave der rohe designed Federal centre in Chicago, The Klucynski builidng is to the left, one narrative station office to the right and Alezander Caldwells flamingo construction in the centre. Mies van der Rohe without a uncertainty created an influential twentieth century architectural manner in the US, stated with high lucidity and simplicity.He helped specify modern architecture in the US by stressing unfastened infinite, uncovering the industrial stuffs used and reinventing the signifier of edifices. He carried the ideals of rationalism and minimal art to new degrees. This is clearly apparent in Minerals and Metallic elements, Crown hall, Farnsworth house, Seagram edifice and the Federal Center.His usage of modern stuffs such as glass and steel can besides be seen in these edifices. Mie ‘s ‘ Buildings in the US radiate the assurance, reason and elegance of their Godhead, free of extra ornamentation. He follows his doctrine that â€Å" less is more †and this attack of Mies is pertinent as of all time in his undertakings. ( Blake,1960 ) .
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Discretion in the Criminal Justice System Essay
Shifting the amount of discretion within our justice system could be for better or worse, but why fix something that’s not broken? Although most police officers use discretion, â€Å"Many police officers (and whole departments) prefer to focus on the justice aspects of police work: getting offenders off the streets, responding to emergencies, scoring big drug busts, and generally ‘catching the bad guys. ‘†(Fuller, J. R. Pg. 6. ) No matter how much discretion you give an officer, it’s ultimately their choice to use it. Although it is common throughout the criminal justice system, some authoritative figures don’t use discretion in a way to guide punishments; they stay in accordance with established guidelines. In my opinion, depending on the severity of the crime discretion should or should not be used. For example, discretion should be used for a first time offender for speeding but should not be used for a first time offender of rape. â€Å"The police are typically the first contact that young victims and delinquents have with the juvenile justice system. As with adults, law enforcement serves as the gatekeeper to the justice system. †(Fuller, J. R. Pg 17. ) It is extremely important for a police officer to make the decision of introducing a juvenile to the justice system. The responsibility for authorities to use discretion is crucial for a juvenile’s future. With adults, less discretion could be used because they have a greater sense of morals. In today’s society I have personally seen adults expect leniency just because, for example, they have a police organization bumper sticker. Enforcing the law for adults who are habitual offenders is necessary to uphold order. One can only push society and the law so far; at some point you must face the consequences. As we talked about in class, the 3-strike rule is a fair method of deciding who should be held accountable. â€Å"Three major studies were commissioned to examine police practices in detail and to update the 1931 Wickersham commission report (National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, 1971). These include the report of the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1967) entitled The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society (1967), a report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (1968), and a report of the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (1973). Each of these commissions was a major undertaking by a large number of scholars and practitioners who focused on solving some of the problems in both policing and the criminal justice system as a whole. The commission reports include multiple proposals to tighten the controls over police discretion, including the use and abuse of force. †(Alpert, Dunham. Pg. 11. ) Whether for good or bad; laws shape citizen’s views of beliefs, actions and character. Unfortunately not all systems of morality and discretion are used properly. Discretion should be used in moderation and to preserve order in society, not used in excessive amounts to threaten the law’s purpose. In summary, I feel discretion is a necessity. With our overcrowded jails, police and judges need to use their training, insight and experience to keep the public safe from individuals that have no regard for the law. Bibliography * Alpert, Geoffrey P. ; Dunham, Roger G†¦ Understanding Police Use of Force: Officers, Suspects, and Reciprocity. West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p 11. * Hagan, F. (2011). Ch 1. Essentials of Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology (pp. 1-45). New York, New York: Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition. * Fuller, J. R. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency – Mainstream and Crosscurrents. New York, New York: Prentice Hall, 1st edition. * Owen, S. S. (2012). Foundations of criminal justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Advertising through Social Media Application-Samples for Students
Social media communication has been emerging rapidly in the recent years. However, maximum businesses use the social media as their communication tool to cover a large number of customers (Holt 2016).Social media communication refers to the communication process that is exhibited through the use of digital tool. As commented by Ramanathanet al. (2017), social media communication is a modern business process, which can be done by using electronic media. However, for business organizations, it is crucial to incorporate the modern technology in their communication system to enhance the customer service. Hence, application of the social media gives the opportunity to the business owners to promote their brand as well and their products by using the digital media, which is an example of modern technology. This study deals with the promotion of Orchid women wear, which is a popular brand of John Smedley.  This organization sells over 30 countries in the world. This is a UK based knittin g fashion company and established in 1784. This brand has 200 stores all over the world and their sales revenue generation is high. Therefore, the role of the social media in the branding of John Smedley will be discussed in this study. A critical discussion will be conducted in this study based on the application of social media in branding. John Smedley is a UK based fashion organization that offers various types of women’s wear. However, woolen clothes, cotton wear and various types of fashionable clothing items are the major products of this organization. John Smedley is popular for the knitwear products. One of their popular products is Orchid women fashion wear. This organization is a global operator and has business throughout the world. This organization is considered as one of the leading companies for their fine gauge knitwear products. In the recent years changing demand of the customers is the major challenge of the global fashion market. However, it is often difficult for the fashion organizations to cope up with the changing need of the consumers as a result, there is a huge competition among the fashion companies to make something unique or innovative product. Orchid women wear is a renowned brand of John Smedley among their various women wears ( 2018). This is a knitwear product a nd made up of wool. This is very much comfortable for the women in any weather. Thus, this brand is popular among the women who prefer to use John Smedley products. Traditional communication or advertising process in the business promotion needs a proper budget and a specific market (Bremset al. 2017). TV, direct mail, newspaper, and radio are the traditional communication channels that are used in the business. The traditional communication channels are more expensive in comparison to the social media communication as traditional communication needs more workforce while social media needs less workforce and it depends on the technology. In the recent years, John Smedley has faced issuesdue to the using of traditional marketing communication. Traditional communication channels need a particular target audience as a result, it is difficult for the organization to select the target audience. On the other hand, they are not able to cover a huge range of consumers through this traditional communication process. In the year 2014 their sale was increased by 14% from the previous year and the revenue generation was  £17.2. In the year 2015 their customer number is increased by 10% from the previous year, which ensures their growth in the global market ( 2018). However, traditional communication process has a specific target market but social media does not need any specific target market as it covers a large range of customers from different geographical regions (Kedzior et al. 2016). Hence, by the application of social media, John Smedley can promote their Orchid women wear in a huge range of customer domain easily. There is no need to expand the high budget to implement this communication process.Traditional media includes personal selling, pamphlets and leaflet distribution that needs more workforces. This enhances the cost of the product promotion (Nyangwe and Buhalis 2018).However, application of the social media in the promotion of the business will be an effective approach for such organization as it will help them to cover a large number of people from different geographical regions. Clothing products among the other products of the fashion industry run fast. However, consumers especially the women have a strong addiction towards the clothing products. They prefer the variety of products, which are comfortable to wear (Kedzioret al. 2016). Hence, the traditional marketing or communication is not as effective as the social media communication in promoting a brand as the traditional marketing process is not attractive like the social media. Through the social media women can see a variety of products and they do not need to go outside. In order to improve the brand image of an organization promotion through social media is an effective approach for the organization. In the context of John Smedley, they want to improve the brand image of Orchid women wear through the application of social media. As commented by Nyangweand Buhalis (2018), social media users keep the brand name in their mind, which they saw in their social networking site. This is a big opportunity fo r John Smedley to improve and promote their brand Orchid women wear. One of the major positive outcomes of social media application in branding is communication with the business goal (Deckers and Lacy 2017). However, in the context of John Smedley use of social media will help them to deliver their business objective regarding their brand Orchid women wear to the consumer domain by providing a detailed product as well as brand information. John Smedley can give the benefits of the products through the websites and it will be shared via social media like facebook, instagram etc. In the recent years, people are more technology oriented as they use the technological device rapidly to make their life fast. They have limited time to watch television, magazine and another traditional advertising process (Dinnie 2015). Therefore, maximum people spend a lot of time on the social media website as they get refreshment and also gather new knowledge regarding any product or service via social media. People have a great attraction towards the social media and they search new fashion products and brand through it (Dinnie 2015). As a result, advertisement through the social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will be effective for John Smedley to promote their brand Orchid women wear. This will give a great opportunity to John Smedley to promote their new product in a large consumer domain by using the social media in brand promotion. Social media makes a unique platform for John Smedley for their new brand and they will be able to get customer feedbacks via such sites. Such customer review is a good process for an organization to understand their brand position in the market (Habibiet al. 2016).Changing needs of the consumers is a big problem for the fashion market and they do not understand the exact demand of the consumers. However, by checking the customer review regarding a product on social media sites the organization will able to understand the type of the products that the current market prefers. Social media is an effective way for the business as it allows the consumers to research discover and share the information about a brand (Dinnie 2015). Application of the social media in the branding of John Smedley will bring a scope for their new brand Orchid women wear to reach in a large domain of the consumers. Social media advertisement will help the consumers to attach with the organization by sharing their feedbacks. This also improves the customer engagement in an organization. Good consumer rating will improve the brand image in the competitive market. Therefore, social media will help John Smedley to share content of the product information quickly in the context of Orchid women wear. As a result, the consumers can easily access the product details as well as the brand details, which enhance the branding process of such organization. Today the application of the social media is an integral part of the daily life. People from different parts and the entire world can be connected through the social media. In the context of business as well as the fashion industry social media plays an important role to promote a brand and to improve the brand image (Habibi et al. 2016). It is important for John Smedley to improve their brand image by suing the social media application. They can influence the public opinion regarding their new brand Orchid women to wear. As commented by Dinnie(2015), social media is the best platform to communicate with the people and people also share their opinion regarding any product or brand. As criticized by Kohliet al. (2015), is the business industry does not train their employees properly to use social media for business purpose then they fail to communicate their brand vision. This can lead John Smedley to an inconsistent as a result; their brand image can be affected. However, John Sm edley can represent their brand image through the social media application in the context of their Orchid women wear. On the other hand, misrepresentation of the offered service or products and their features can hamper the brand image of such particular brand. Social media creates customer’s interest towards a product or a brand (Chahaland Rani 2016). In the context of John Smedley, advertisement or the promotion of Orchid women wear through social media enables them to deliver their messages to the public domain quickly. As a result, the audience starts to get information about the particular brand. Then they talk about the brand and pay their attention to it. Shopping in recent times is popular in the social media platforms. For example, Twitter and Facebook are two of the major social media platforms, which contribute more to improving the promotion of a brand and the enhancement of its image. For John Smedley, if they promote or advertise their products through such social media then audience get information about their Orchid women wears. This will make their brand popular and to improve its image in the consumer domain. Besides the positive aspects of social media advertisement there are some negative aspects. As argued by Koh li et al. (2015), advertisement via social media often affected due to the overflowing newsfeed. In the Facebook often people skip the messages or advertisement of a brand due to the overflow of the newsfeeds. This may affect the brand promotion in the context of John Smedley. Therefore, it is important for the organization to give a regular update of their product or brand on the social media. If the gap occurs in this process then it will be difficult for John Smedley to promote their brand Orchid women wear through social networking sites. On the other hand positive outcomes of social media highlights that social media especially the Facebook increase the customer engagement (Habibiet al. 2016). However, if John Smedley creates a page on facebook regarding their Orchid women wears with more details then it can reach easily to the consumer domain. Therefore, the consumers can give their feedbacks on this Facebook page regarding this particular brand. For John Smedley, they want to promote Orchid women wear via social media. Hence, it has been found that women discuss more about the fashion over social media like Facebook. Therefore, they refer to their friends the fashion brand that they have used. This will give John Smedley a good opportunity to improve the brand image as well promotion of Orchid women wear via social media advertisement. The above piece of the study reveals the social media application in branding in the context of John Smedley. However, this fashion organization is going to promote their new brand Orchid women wear through the social media advertisement. However, the major problem of current fashion market is the changing demand of the consumers. Hence, the application of the social media will help John Smedley to gather the customer feedbacks and develop innovative product as per the needs of the current market. It has been found that social media communication to market a product is very popular in the recent years. People, specially he women search new brand over the social media. One of the major drawbacks of the social media application is the inappropriate presentation of the brand information. Despite these challenges, social media communication is an essential element of the modern business. Brems, C., Temmerman, M., Graham, T. and Broersma, M., 2017. Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media. Digital Journalism, 5(4), pp.443-459. Chahal, H. and Rani, A., 2017. How trust moderates social media engagement and brand equity. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(3), pp.312-335. Deckers, E. and Lacy, K., 2017. Branding yourself: How to use social media to invent or reinvent yourself. Que Publishing. Dinnie, K., 2015. Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. Routledge. Habibi, M.R., Laroche, M. and Richard, M.O., 2016. Testing an extended model of consumer behavior in the context of social media-based brand communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, pp.292-302. Holt, D., 2016. Branding in the age of social media. Harvard business review, 94(3), p.13. 2018. John Smedley. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2018]. Kedzior, R., Allen, D.E. and Schroeder, J., 2016. The selfie phenomenon–consumer identities in the social media marketplace. European Journal of Marketing, 50(9/10), pp.1767-1772. Kohli, C., Suri, R. and Kapoor, A., 2015. Will social media kill branding?. Business Horizons, 58(1), pp.35-44. Nyangwe, S. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Branding Transformation Through Social Media and Co-creation: Lessons from Marriott International. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018 (pp. 257-269). Springer, Cham. Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N. and Parrott, G., 2017. Role of social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction. International Journal of Operations & Production Management , 37(1), pp.105-123.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The terms 'ethnic minority' hides the diversity between and within Essay
The terms 'ethnic minority' hides the diversity between and within minority ethnic groups. Discuss - Essay Example dress issues of discrimination on racial or ethnic lives have not been able to efficiently iron out details about ethno-religious matters, gender and ethnicity, ethno-politico issues and other such gray areas. Members of these minority groups have had to endure their situation or fight like the black feminists did. This paper aims to discuss an array issues that touch on this issue of differences between and within ethnic minority groups. Looking at self-employement sector in Britain for example the self-employment rate is 14.6 percent for non-whites compared to 12.3 percent for whites. However beneath this statistics are the glaring differences between the groups. The self-employment rate for black Carribeans is 5.8 percent while that for Chinese is 26.6 percent (Kenneth and Drinkwater, 1). Factors that could create these differences would include social support from one’s community to facilitate a self-sustaining economic environment, effects of religion or access to informal sources of capital and manpower from the family ties or members of the ethnic community (Kenneth and Drinkwater, 1). Cultural endowments too determine such kinds of trends since it does determine one’s attitude towards entrepreneurship. It also has a bearing on consumer behaviour and how much of a good is ordered (Rafiq, 46). Some of these consumer behaviours become so pronounced as to qualify some goods being referred to as ethnic goods. When a good number of members of a certain ethnic group live together in one neighbourhood, a protected market scenario arises. The shop owners are able to maintain a monopoly of sorts within the neighbourhood and the members give support by being loyal to these businesses. The shop owners are keener to provide goods and services that meet the memb ers’ preferences. Religious goods are particularly a favourite. So are goods from the ethnic group’s country of origin. Religion is another strong influence. Rafiq, (50-55) argues that in
Medical School Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Medical School Essays - Essay Example I then decided to become a doctor and to concentrate on medical research. Moreover, I have learned to value my education more, and this premium is reflected in the numerous academic accolades and scholarships that I have received during the last four years of my education. My parents are Mexican immigrants; while poor, they have lofty ambitions for their children. Because of our financial constraints, I have learned to live up to the responsibility of supporting them financially. I am able to provide my family with strength and inspiration because of my doggedness in obtaining a medical degree despite our poverty. They have also been edified by my example of struggling to learn the English language, and they too have taken courage to learn the language. I grew up in a neighborhood that was distinguished by poverty, with predominantly blue-collar workers. Because majority of residents were minimum wage earners, the neighborhood was characterized by crime and violence. I have been exposed to communities that lived in dire poverty, and I have witnessed their need for decent healthcare. This is also one of my motivators in pursuing a medical degree. This has developed in me compassion for the poor, and an authentic desire to help. My ethnic heritage has not hindered my social growth as a whole, but it had in the past affected my ambition to further my education financially. But my family’s difficult financial circumstances and my chance to witness poverty in the immediate community has given me all the more reason to work hard towards obtaining a medical degree. Perhaps, through my example, my family and my neighborhood will realize that poverty is not a reason for ignorance and for not going after your dreams. While it may be i ronic, I have taken inspiration from all these difficult circumstances that I grew up in. My
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Environmental impacts of tourism on Los angles Research Paper
Environmental impacts of tourism on Los angles - Research Paper Example In addition, apart from the adverse effects of tourism development on the environment, it can also result in positive effects on the environment. This will mainly include the protection and conservation of the environment. Los Angeles located in the Southern California, is a populous city, whose coastal nature makes it a hub for various aesthetic human activities, including tourism. However, the highly urbanized coastal city faces many threats due to the increased human activities in the area, including plans to develop on all the remaining open space. This case continues to fuel heated debates between the government, environmentalists, and developers. Available coastal resources for tourism in the city include beaches, coastal marshes, boardwalks, and ecological attractions such as kelp forests, tide pools, and coastal marshes (â€Å"Travel Weekly†). In Los Angeles, the impact of tourism presents the area with a variety of effects. The high population of Los Angeles city puts pressure on the available natural resources, which are limited. Natural resources include soil, forests, fossil fuels, wildlife, and wetland. Both the residents of Los Angeles and tourists all struggle to experience the resources. On the other hand, humans put a direct pressure on the land’s renewable and non-renewable energy. The construction of multiple skyscrapers in Los Angeles area, for tourists’ accommodation facilities has put pressure on the land, leading to degradation (Schott, 2010). Tourism has led to different forms of pollution in Los Angeles city. The largest percentage of air pollution and noise pollution by tourism is generated by the transport sector (Lumsdon, 2000). Accommodation is the second largest polluter of the environment, followed by tourist activities. In tourism related transport, the maritime ship emissions contribute to the pollution in the area of Los Angeles. These mainly release Nitrogen Oxides in the atmosphere. This happens along the Los Angeles – Long Beach area of California, which is USA’s busiest port, and with high level of pollution. The original meaning of the name Los Angeles is â€Å"valley of smoke.†This is because of the smog that covers the area. The population relies heavily on automobiles for transport of both the tourists and local residents. According to Lumsdon (2000), the aircrafts flying in and out of Los Angeles have contributed to the smog in the city, and this has resulted in increased respiratory diseases in people living close to the airport. In addition, the Long Beach port issue has also contributed to the air pollution of the region. The cruiseships are also another source of air pollution due to the smoke they emit. Similarly, airplanes, buses, and cars cause noise pollution in Los Angeles. In addition, the modern recreational vehicles such as jet skis and snowmobiles too pollute the environment (Lumsdon, 2000). Tourism has also led to increased waste and litter ing in Los Angeles. Foreign and local tourists on trips use items such as water bottles and juice cans, which are disposable. This is because of the reluctance to engage in washing, which to them is a tiresome process. Most of them end up throwing these disposable items anyhow, thus littering the environment. These solid wastes are washed away by rainwater and end up in rivers or the ocean (Schott, 2010). This contributes to
Friday, July 26, 2019
Congress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Congress - Essay Example That Congress was able to preserve the stability and cultural consolidation of the American state and to improve the rights of the minors can be fairly regarded as its basic achievements; however, there is still much room for improving the quality and effectiveness of its decisions, especially in its attitudes to constituents and the development of military strategies against foreign countries. Throughout its history, U.S. Congress sought to preserve the overall stability of the American state and to protect the rights of minors. That in 1865 Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau to protect the right s of the newly emancipated black people in America became the starting point in Congress’s movement to equity and fairness in the relationships between races. However, these are the crises that usually test the productivity and efficiency of the legislative work in Congress: the recent economic crisis proved Congress to be a powerful force in the country’s striving to preserve its stability. The stimulus package, tax cuts, the financial support of the banking sector and legislative changes to the structure of the federal budget reflect Congress’s awareness of the situation and its desire to secure the population from the major financial risks. Unfortunately, it is necessary to state that the rights of African Americans, the rights of women, and the relations with constituents remain the basic ills of the postmodern America. It is not possible to trace serious changes in the position of fair sex representatives and racial minorities. Black people and women continue suffering the effects of inequity and unfairness in employment, medical insurance, and self-realization. Discrimination based on race and gender remains the issue of the major concern, and Congress will need to take additional legislative steps to ensure that the American state finally achieves the point, where discrimination will become irrelevant and unnecessary.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Literary analysis of the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Essay - 1
Literary analysis of the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams - Essay Example Toms expresses his frustrations through his drinking and attending the movies in the evenings in addition to writing and reading poetry at work. A good amount of the play centers on Laura, however. She is tremendously shy, to some extent due to her crippling disease (pleurosis). She wore a brace on her leg and walked with a limp spending a lot of her time fantasizing about her glass menagerie. One of the central concepts this story clearly projects is the notion that the memories of our youth influence our fantasies of the present which in turn protect us from the realities of the present. Tom explicitly affirms that this is memory play in his first words, the first words of the play: â€Å"The play is a memory†(I, 145). To promote that effect, Williams continues to permit Tom to detach himself out from the play from every so often to narrate particular events or ideas, bring the audience up to speed on what has occurred in the period between two of the scenes or make other remarks. In reciting how the impression of memory is achieved, Richard Vowles (1958) describes its dreamlike characteristics, â€Å"One scene dissolves into another. There is, indeed, almost a submarine quality about the play, the kind of poetic slow motion that becomes ballet and a breathless repression of feeling that belongs to everyone but Amanda†(54). Williams illustrates the way memory has functioned to form Tom’s impression of life, never allowing him the escape he sought after through the merchant marine by sustaining the concept that almost the entire play is a Tomâ €™s memory in clear focus by means of this otherworldly light. Laura lives in possibly the most evident life of illusion as she drifts through her existence ostensibly in a cloud of detachment. She connects classical music with a happier time in her life while she connects her time in school with the ‘thunder’ of her leg brace while she struggles into her music room. She â€Å"takes refuge in
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
EXAM PREPARATION (MARKETING RESEARCH) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
EXAM PREPARATION (MARKETING RESEARCH) - Essay Example Another example of categorical data is the use of geography and demographic data to predict behaviour of the consumer. In demography and geography survey, the consumers respond to their state of residence or the city, or the country of origin (Texas, California, and Chicago). However, the study should limit the states or the cities from where it operates from or have subsidiaries. To assess the specific geographic market segmentation, business composition, growth patterns, and the demand difference among the zones or areas of operation, one should also use categorical data. These data can be collected using three criteria. The common approach is the use of open-ended questionnaire that would require coding after data collection (respond allowed to write their thought). Another example involves the use of lists of items in a form to enable the respondent select the options. The categorical data allows the use of multiple response questions (respondent selects). The questions must be c oded to make the selection and subsequent analysis easy. The reason for assigning numbers to labels facilitates data analysis. Analysis is possible through the assessment of modal frequencies and percentages. The nominal data are not suitable for studies that seek to establish the comparison and to rank between products in different geographical and demographic zones. Besides, one cannot use these data in studies that require averages and comparison. Studies seeking to establish ranking or ordering of products and other business variables use ordinal data. In simple terms, the ordinal data determines natural order hence referred to as the rating scale. One can rate (excellent, good, fair, unsatisfactory, and poor) services or products. Such data is useful when one seeks to leverage on the respondent willingness to rank or make their preferred list of items through their selection strategies. Unlike categorical data, which
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Medieval history significance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medieval history significance - Essay Example By the start of the eleventh century most of Europe was christianized, and the earlier period of Viking invasions and barbarian ransacking of Christian communities had ceased. Religion was an increasingly a key factor in the middle of the medieval age, and it affected daily life by providing stability, education and a cultural framework which covered almost the whole of the territory which had been claimed by Charlemagne in the ninth century. In 1056 religious unity was broken by a split between the Western and Eastern areas of Christendom and this resulted in the two separate Church traditions which we still have today: The Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. The Norman conquest brought French ways and culture to England after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. William the Conqueror decided to have a survey made of England, and this resulted in the Doomsday Book of 1086. This event was important because it provided a unique record into the lives of everyday people in medi eval England.
How Do Narcotics Affect the Body Essay Example for Free
How Do Narcotics Affect the Body Essay The term, narcotics is often used to refer to any illegal drugé žæ ³â€¢Ã¦ ¯â€™Ã¥â€œ . That could include anything from prescription pillsto cocaine. However, narcotics does actually refer to a specific type of drug as well. So, before we delve into this type of drugs effects, lets first define it. What Are Narcotics? Though narcotics is a term thrown around referring drugs in general, it actually refers to drugs that are derived from opium which originates from the opium poppy plant, and is related to heroin, morphine, and other drugs common to opiate addiction. The confusion between the generic vs. specific terminology has gotten so bad, some experts have turned to calling narcotics opioids to help stifle the confusion. Common types of narcotics include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, heroin, opium in the form of morphine andcodeine, oxycodone and Vicodin.Ã¥ · ´Ã¦ ¯â€Ã¥ ¦ ¥Ã§ ± »Ã¯ ¼Å'è‹ ¯Ã¤ ºÅ'æ ° ®Ã¥ “ç ± »Ã¨ ¯Ã§â€° ©Ã¯ ¼Å'æ µ ·Ã¦ ´â€ºÃ¥â€º ï ¼Å'é ¸ ¦Ã§â€°â€¡Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ â€"å• ¡ How Do Narcotics Affect the Body? Narcotic drugs can affect the body in various ways. There are of course legitimate uses for them, like treating pain, anxiety, aggression and even diarrhea. Ã¥ ½â€œÃ§â€ž ¶Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã¦Å"‰ä »â€"ä » ¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ ˆæ ³â€¢Ã§â€ ¨Ã©â‚¬â€Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ¦â€šÃ¦ ² »Ã§â€"â€"çâ€" ¼Ã§â€"ݕ ¼Å'ç„ ¦Ã¨â„¢â€˜Ã¯ ¼Å'ä ¾ µÃ§â€¢ ¥Ã¯ ¼Å'çâ€Å¡Ã¨â€¡ ³Ã¨â€¦ ¹Ã¦ ³ »Ã£â‚¬â€š However, they are highly addictive and what starts out as a prescribed medication can often turn into an illegal situation of prescription pill abuse. Other side effects include drowsiness, flushing, upset stomach, urinary retention and respiratory depression. It is very easy to become dependent on narcotics due to your bodys building up of a tolerance to the drugs. This means you have to take more and more of it to feel the same way. What Are the Dangers of Narcotics? Even though recreational users of these drugs experience an overall sense of wellbeing while high, there are numerous dangers that go along with their ingestion. Toxicity can develop, which could cause you to lose motor coordination and slur your speech. Whats especially dangerous about narcotics like heroin is that they are taken into the body by means of a needle, which puts you at risk for developing skin infections, hepatitis and even HIV/AIDS. While the drug itself is dangerous, in this case, it is often the method by which it is put in the body that can cause the most harm. Other problems include a likelihood of overdosing. Even though you build up a tolerance to the drug over time, you still require more and more to feel the same effects. At some point, you could experience respiratory depression and could even die. What Steps Should Be Taken to Stop Narcotics Abuse? Trying to quit using narcotics is not an easy process. No one ever said it was. However, you can do it with the proper sort of guidance and help; especially during the detoxification process which can be extremely unpleasant. That means enlisting the help of a top detox center, and enrolling in a drug treatment program that helps you go through the withdrawal process without feeling pain and then deal with the mental and emotional reasons you sought out narcotics use in the first place. Perhaps even more important than going torehab, is the maintenance afterward. It can be difficult to try and reenter society after beating adrug addiction without a program to get you started. Thats why it would be a good idea to stay in an ongoing treatment program that allows you to talk with people just like you and receive the support you need. Only then can you beat your addiction to narcotics for the long-term. The Effect of Part-Time Jobs on Students While academics are the main focus of college students, many will also spend their college years in part-time employment. In the report Student Employment and Higher Education: Empiricism and Contradiction, members of the American Educational Research Association reported that more than 50 percent of students attending four-year colleges work part time. The reasons for working may varyearning funds for tuition or spending moneybut many benefits exist beyond the paycheck. Balancing a Schedule * Balancing a part-time job while attending classes full-time will force a student to balance their schedule. A March 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics says students with part-time work reduce the time spent on homework, sleeping, socialization and life maintenance by 84 percent. A student employee will need to learn how to not let the decrease on time spent on studying show in her academic performance. Experiencing Workplace Culture * Classroom learning is important, but the culture of workplaces and offices are hard to impart within the classroom. Holding down a regular position outside the classroom will allow students to gain firsthand experience in office culture and politics, which will be helpful upon graduation and their first full-time job. Its All Who You Know * In todays weak economy, it is even more crucial for students to make as many valuable connections as possible. Working part time for a campus office or off-campus organization will allow students to network outside their social circles, giving them valuable recommendations and contacts for their full-time job search. Accountability and Responsibility * According to Work on the Campus: Benefits for Student and Institution by Mary Roark, Values, skills, emotional maturity, personal identity and integrity are fostered through (on-campus) employment experiences. Student-employees will learn to be accountable for their actions in a non-classroom or home environment, and experience how responsibility is delegated and evaluated in an office. Basic Skills * Many on-campus part-time jobs will give students the opportunity to learn administrative skills, such as phone and email etiquette, office electronics troubleshooting, and meeting manners. Gaining such skills while in school will place a student-employee ahead of the curve when they enter the full-time workforce. IMPORTANCE OF ENGLÄ °SH: In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everwhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. This can merely be based on the efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey for the following three reasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the international world, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field. The first reason for why English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students to find. In business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In addition to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking in English. Therefore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a major language will find a better or high-quality job than other students who don’t know English adequately. In other words, the student who knows English is able to be more efficient in his job because he can use the information from foreign sources and web sites. He can prepare his assigments and tasks with the help of these information. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his effort or prepared projects. In addition, many high-quality jobs are related with international communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in a international company and business are needed to communicate with foreign workers. For instance, if their managers want them to share the company’s data, they are expected to know English. Moreover, they will even have to go business trip for their company. Absolutely, all of these depend on speaking English;as a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job, and the others, who don’t know English, may have lack of communication and be paid less money. The second and the most important reason, for English to be the medium of instruction in the Turkish higher education system is that it enables students to communicate with the international world. In these days, in my opinion, the most important thing for both university students and graduates is to follow the development in tecnology. For this reason, they have to learn common language. Certainly, they should not lose their interest on communicating with the world. However, some of the university students can’t obtain English education in their university. Unfortunately, these people may lose their communication with worldwide subjects and topics. In short, they will not communicate foreign people. To prevent these people from lacking of speaking English, universities’ administration will provide English education to them. In addition, university students can use some specific hardware and software of computers with their English to communicate others. For example, the Internet, which, in my opinion, is the largest source in the world, based on English knowledge and information. Also, most of the softwares such as â€Å"Windows†, â€Å"Microsoft Office†, â€Å"Internet Explorer†are firstly written in English, and these programs are the basic vital things for communication over computer. That is to say, even in a little resarch about something, they need these programs and the Internet to find necessary sources and information. The last reason for favouring English as the medium of instruction of Turkish universities is that it faclitates accessing information. All of the students have to do some projects or homeworks which are related with their field during the university education. In these projects or homeworks, they have to find some information which is connected with their subject. They find sources from English web sites and books, but they have to replace these data to their projects. During these process, if they know English, they will not come across with any difficulty, but if they don’t know, even they may not use these data. As a result, the student who knows English will be more successful at his/her project. For this reason, to obstruct possible inequity between students, management of universities should accept English as a second language in order to provide accessing information to the students. In short, university students need to know English to access information. All in all, the education in universities should be done with English for three reasons. First, students who know English are able to find their favourite job related with their field. Second, they can communicate with others internationally. Third, as a major language in universities, English makes accessing information easy for students. In my opinion, internationally, people need one common language. For many years, English has been the common wold-wide language, and it will be in the future. For this reason, if you want to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization of the developing world, you have to know English whatever age you are in.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Explore the dramatic Essay Example for Free
Explore the dramatic Essay Lady Capulet, mother of the young Juliet, was only about 13 when she married the older Lord Capulet. And now that Juliet has reached the age of teens where girls are meant to be ready for marriage and childbirth, she is being pushed to look for a husband, and that is arranged to be Paris. Although Juliet does not exactly despise or even dislike Paris, she does not feel comfortable marrying or attempting to get to know someone who has been forced upon her without consent from her. Although Lady and Lord Capulet might have the title of a married couple they are not close at all. Behind his back Lady Capulet makes remarks and jokes that demise Lord Capulet such as when Lord Capulet calls for a sword to fight, she laughs and says that he should instead be calling for a crutch as he is too old to fight. A crutch, a crutch! Why call you for a sword? But on the other hand, when Lord Capulet is violently screaming at Juliet for disobeying him and refusing to marry Paris and then threatens to throw her out of the house, Juliet looks to her mother for support but alls eh says is that she should listen to her father. And even when she asks for the nurses help she says that she better do what Lord Capulet says as she does not want to lose her job by going against what Lord Capulet, her employer and man of the house she works in. So although they might not agree with anything the man in charge says, they (the nurse and Lady Capulet) wouldnt dare go against him. As a mother, Lady Capulet is not very close to Juliet at all. When she wants to get the point across that she should be prepared to marry and that she should try and get to know Paris as he is the one she should marry, she brings the nurse in to try and help her connect with Juliet and get to her as the nurse is the one who really brought up Juliet from a young age. But rather than stick up for Juliet in her case that she does not want to marry yet, nurse agrees with Lady Capulet and she even makes an old fashioned joke that embarrasses Juliet and which Lady Capulet seems to dislike and disagree with but in reality it is what Lady Capulet is trying to say. Thou wilt fall backward when thou comest to age , wilt thou not, Jule? This joke is portraying that in those days women were not meant in society for much more than pleasuring the men and having babies. It is an honour that I dream not of. Here Juliet is summing up how she really feels about the option of marrying Paris. Although she is being polite to her mother by saying it would be an honour but she also makes it clear that it is not an honour that she doesnt want to have. Then Lady Capulet starts to explain how many girls the same age or even younger than Juliet become wives and even mothers and she too was Juliets mother around the same age. This might seem to Lady Capulet that she is convincing Juliet that marrying is a good thing and she can do it at that young age but she could easily be making Juliet second guess the chance of getting married because she can most likely see what Lady and Lord Capulets relationship is like and that they are very detached from each other and are not very close as a married couple. Today the idea of getting married at an age of 13 or 14 sounds absurd and it is even illegal under todays laws. But back in the Juliets time it was common and accepted that men would usually marry women much younger than them, sometimes even half their age. Women did not have many rights such as voting, they rarely went to school and any money they inherited or managed to earn if the were lucky enough to have a job would go straight to their husband or the closest man to them such as their father or brother. This was not only accepted by the men but by everyone. Women just accepted that their sole purpose was really to make babies, look after them and as sex toys. But in todays society it is very different as women are allowed to make any choices they want, they have the same rights as men and they are allowed to choose themselves when they want to get married or have a child as long they agree with their partner. Juliets fathers thoughts also changed over time as at first he says to Paris that although he can give him Juliets hand in marriage, he must also woo her and get her to love him. As soon as their marriage is put in jeopardy when one of Paris kinsmen is killed, Lord Capulet is desperate to have the wedding and not have Paris shy away from Juliet so he instantly says to Paris that he can marry Juliet straight away and he comments on how they should marry three days time, as two would be too short notice. But fettle your fine joints gainst Thursday next, to go with Paris to St. Peters church. This also shows that Lord Capulet is not in complete control of everything and when the marriage of Juliet and Paris is put into danger, Lord Capulet desperately fights to save the marriage to rushing it to three days time. When Romeo and Juliet first meet at Capulets party they instantly fall in love and they have a fatal first kiss which sends them into the turmoils of love. Afterwards, when they both find out who the other is, they realize that they are meant to be on opposite sides of a bitter family feud. Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Matague. Before their kiss, which Romeo is much more eager to have, Romeo and Juliet exchange words which are in the form of a sonnet, the only one in the whole story. This sole use of a sonnet accentuates the feelings in their words and importance of the scene. Romeo starts by talking about how he needs to soften Juliet with a kiss but Juliet holds back and says how in praying pilgrims pray and kiss by holding their hands against someone elses. Romeo comments on how hat they do with their hands, they should do with their lips. O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. As Juliet tempts and holds Romeo back, the text is written in the form of a sonnet as Shakespeare tries to emphasize the deep feelings being exchanged between Romeo and Juliet. The sonnet uses rhyming to add a feeling of a poem to the text. The use of this single sonnet in the whole story also singles it out for the reader to know that it is very important and highlights a key point in the relationship of Romeo and Juliet as it is the first time they met each other. Which mannerly devotion shows in this And palm to palm is holy palmers kiss. Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. As shown in these alternate rhyming sentences, the text shows both Juliets teasing and Romeos eagerness. It is also rhythmic and adds flow to the conversation between the two star crossed lovers. The balcony scene is where Romeo and Juliet first express their true and deep feelings for each other. The balcony that at firsts separates Romeo and Juliet from touching each other acts as a symbol of the barriers of their familys history against each other. The balcony scene is an intense and decisive scene in the story as it is the point from where Romeo and Juliet cannot turn away from each other. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon. When he talks of the east he is talking about how the sun (Juliet) rises and that she is the one which lights up his heart. Moon is often coincided with virginity and she, the sun, must kill the moon, or her virginity, and he is the one to help her do so. I am too bold, tis not to me she speaks: two of the fairest stars in all the heaven This could come as a certain amount of surprise to a reader as it shows how Romeo does not have incredible amounts of confidence about getting to Juliets heart. But then he also talks how she is a star and that she is something out of this world and when she rests her chin in her hand he wishes that his hand was hers just so that she could get the opportunity to touch her face. See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek! As Juliet calls for Romeo she offers to give up her family name without hesitation and that her family name does not mean anything because she is in love. And Ill no longer be a Capulet thou art thyself, though not a Montague whats in a name? With loves light wings did I oerperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out. Here Romeo is talking about the wall of Juliets house which he has to climb to get to her is like the family difference which separates Romeo and Juliet from being happy together. But Romeo explains that like the high boundaries of the wall, the family feud they are tied up in is no match for the love Romeo has and he will not be stopped from loving her. Juliet is much more cautious and nervous about Romeo being caught and facing the punishment if he does. If they do see thee, they will murder thee. Romeo, as shown before is much more eager to be one with Juliet while Juliet is constantly slightly holding back. While Romeo is willing to swear on anything for his love for Juliet, Juliet says they are better off if they do not swear on anything at all as it is too sudden. And when Juliet insists that she has to leave Romeo asks why she has to leave him so unsatisfied. O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied? But then Juliet proposes that if Romeo wants to prove his profound love for her he should set up their marriage as soon as possible. If that thy bent of love be honourable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow. She also seems very reluctant to let him leave as she is forced to go back inside as she has been called for. Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. Here, as like earlier in the balcony scene, the words of Juliet rhyme for more affect as it is a very heart felt sentence. Rhyming also shows up in the next two lines when Romeo is talking, so Shakespeare must have felt that this was an important or true moment of love between Romeo and Juliet as there was earlier in the balcony scene. The balcony scene is most likely the scene with the greatest amount of feelings being expressed which are revealed through language and forms of writing. Shakespeare does a very good job of making priorities stand out by making the language the text is written in different from text he usually writes. The sonnet is a fantastic way to capture the attention of a reader and create an atmosphere really felt between the two star crossed lovers. In the two films, the original version and the modern version, the balcony scene is portrayed in different ways but they also have many similarities. In both films, Romeo and Juliet or on opposite sides of a bitter family feud and have to endure the fighting between the two families. The modern film, as expected, is very modernised. Rather than use swords for fighting, the two families have weapons such as guns and small hand knives.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Building and Operating IT Systems Challenges
Building and Operating IT Systems Challenges Information management can be described as the collection and management of information from single or multiple sources and the dissemination of that information to one or more listeners. Often this involves people those who have a stake in, or a right to that specific information. Management involves the organization of and control over the structure, processing and delivery of information. The focus of this paper will be on distinguishing between a behavioral and a technical approach to information systems, identifying key management challenges involved in building, operating, and maintaining information systems today, and describing the capabilities of a digital firm. Additionally, I will be describing three types of information systems and explaining the four key enterprise applications for organization-wide process integration. Behavioral and Technical Approach Several viewpoints on information systems illustrate that the study of information systems is a field with multiple disciplines and therefore, no single theory or perspective governs. Generally speaking, the field can be separated into behavioral and technical approaches. The behavioral approach can be broken down even further into sub-categories to include economics, psychology, and sociology. The technical approach can also be broken down into sub-categories to include management science, computer science, and operations research. Behavioral Approach A very important element of the information systems field is involved with behavioral issues that surface in the development and preservation of information systems. Problems like strategic business design, implementation and utilization, and management cannot be fully explored with the models using a technical approach. Behavioral disciplines such as economics, psychology, and sociology can also contribute vital concepts and processes. For example, economists study information systems mainly interested in what impact systems have on cost structures within the business and within its particular market. On the other hand, Psychologists are interested in how human decision makers comprehend and use information. Finally, sociologists study information systems looking for how groups and organizations form the development of systems and also how these different systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations (Information Management, 2010). The behavioral approach does not completely ignore technology. In fact, information systems technology is frequently the reason for a specific behavioral problem or issue. But usually the heart of this approach is not normally geared toward technical solutions. Instead it centers on modification in attitudes, management and organizational policy, and behavior. Technical Approach The technical approach to information systems puts emphasis on mathematically based models to study information systems, in addition to the physical knowledge and abilities of these systems. The disciplines that play a role in the technical approach are computer science, management science, and operations research. Computer science has to do with creating theories of computability, means of computation, and approaches to effective access and storage of data. Management science highlights the growth of models for decision-making and management procedures. Lastly, operations research deals with mathematical methods for optimizing business issues such as inventory control, transportation, and transaction costs (Information Management, 2010). Key Management Challenges Building, operating, and maintaining information systems in todays fast-paced business world can be very challenging. These key management challenges are based on a multitude of problems such as information system investments, strategic business decisions, globalization, information technology infrastructure, and ethics and security. Information System Investment Challenge If managed intelligently, investments in information systems can improve employees lives and a businesss overall performance. For instance, over the past twenty years the Internet has developed form a technical innovation to a personal and business necessity. Some businesss have recognized considerable improvements in processing information by changing from mainframe computing to personal computers connected by local area networks (LAN). The ability of software applications to identify and correlate pertinent data in a data warehouse allows businesses to uncover unidentified financial or physical resource relationships and therefore make available suitable assistance where there had been none. However, along with the ability to enhance lives and organizations, some information system investments can become risky, costly, wasteful mistakes. To overcome these challenges, senior management personnel need to be able to successfully evaluate these investments to ensure the correct return on investment (ROI) (Laudon Laudon, 2006). Strategic Business Challenge You can pick up any management book and you can read about the significance of developing a strategic plan, and ideas about how to both develop and implement your plan. On the other hand, you will also find articles that you imply that strategic planning does not work because it is impossible to develop a long term plan in this ever changing business environment. In my opinion, the truth lies somewhere in between. Strategic planning can definitely help you get prepared on what you need to accomplish over the next years, what things you will need to accomplish those goals, and exactly how to go about accomplishing your goals. The trouble is that the benefits of strategic planning can be easily lost. These plans fail primarily because of what happens after the process of strategic planning. In general, a great effort goes into creating and developing a strategic plan, which is then quickly put away and forgotten, even by the people that created it. The goal of strategic planning lies not only in the development of the plan, but also in its implementation. Implementing the strategic plan will only work if you are clear about what this plan can bring to you and the organization. The strategic plan needs to have value, not only to the organization, but also to the employees. The bottom line is that the plan needs to be used by everybody. A strategic plan needs to be used as a decision-making tool from the top of the organization all the way to the bottom. Chief Executive Officers ought to be able to use it to make decisions on the direction of their business, mergers, or staffing. Managers should also be able to use it to make decisions for the priorities of their departments goals and objectives, and to align the work of their department with the overall goals of organization. Lastly, every employee must be able to use the plan to recognize his or her own goals, and where they fit in big scheme of things. When implemented correctly, a strategic plan helps to add meaning and focus to not only every individual, but the organization as a whole (Information Systems, 2010). Globalization Challenge The globalization of information technology warrants special attention by business executives, government officials and scholastic researchers for a multitude of reasons. First, is that information technology and systems are high-technology industries of considerable size and with significant potential for stimulating economic growth and jobs. The immediate growth in global trade and the surfacing of an international economy require information systems that can sustain both the production and selling of goods and services in many different countries. Second, access to the most up-to-date computer and telecommunications technology is central to competitive success in nearly all industries. Government policies which deliberately or inadvertently retard technological progress in the production and use of computers, information systems and telecommunications have important economic effects. Third, given language barriers, cultural, and political differences among dissimilar countries, th is focus often resulted in confusion and the breakdown of central management controls (Laudon Laudon, 2006). To overcome these challenges, it is imperative for organization to develop global hardware, software, and information systems standards. Additionally, organizations must be able to create global accounting and reporting methods and design worldwide business processes. Information Technology Infrastructure Challenge This particular challenge for businesses deals with how organizations can develop information technology infrastructures that can sustain their goals when business situations are changing at a rapid pace. Aging infrastructure is obviously a huge issue in many industries that only gets bigger as time goes on. Some equipment may have had external upgrades or facelifts, but in most cases, it is over 70 years old. Many organizations are left with expensive and unmanageable IT platforms that cannot readily adapt to innovation and change. Additionally, a competitive business environment and the pressures of the global financial situation weigh increasingly on companies minds (Information Systems, 2010). To battle this challenge, some organizations may be required to redesign its organization and develop a new information technology infrastructure to survive in this competitive business world. Ethics and Security Challenge Organizations must always be cognizant that their information systems are used in both an ethically and socially responsible manner. Although information systems have provided many benefits, they have also created new ethical and security issues that must be addressed. Every improvement in information technology can be tied in with at least one ethical dilemma. From Facebook to ordering merchandise online, computer users are ignorant of the delicate balance between ethical behavior and profits. Businesses, software and hardware developers, and individuals must think about what is ethically correct when using information technology on a daily basis. The primary issues essential to the world of information technology are the individuals expectation of privacy and the providers ethical duty to use its applications responsibly (Information Systems, 2010). The challenges organizations will face will be how to apply high-quality assurance standards to their information systems, as well as to their products and services. Additionally, they will have to develop information systems that are not only secure but that are still easy to use by most individuals. Digital Firms A digital firm can be described as, One in which nearly all of the organizations significant business relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled and mediate (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 11-12). The firms primary business processes are performed through digital networks encompassing the whole organization or connecting several different organizations. A core or primary business process can be defined as the minimum single tasks to be completed to provide a certain level of reliability in output, without any thought to hardware, software, or performance. When a core process is put into practice, anything can be added to make the process more efficient, but nothing can be removed. On the other hand, a business process can be defined as, The set of logically related tasks and behaviors that organizations develop over time to produce specific business results and the unique manner in which these activities are organized and coordinated (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 12). Digital firms are extremely powerful because they can sense and react to their ever changing surroundings much faster those traditions organizations. Because of their quick reaction and the fact that they are more adaptable than the traditional firm, digital firms are much more able to endure in unstable times. Because these new firms are completely digital, there exist much more opportunities for them in the global business word. The Internet is quickly becoming the information system infrastructure of preference for electronic commerce. It offers organizations an easy way to connect with other business and individual at an unbelievably low cost. Additionally, it offers a complete and uncomplicated set of technologies and technology standards that can be implemented by any organization. Organizations can use Internet technology to drastically cut their transaction costs, time searching for buyers and sellers, and gathering information on products or services. This information is at the fingertips of anyone with a computer and access to the Internet. One example of a powerful digital firm has to be EBay. Following 2001, there were a high number of dotcom businesses that failed, but there were a few that held their ground, like eBay. The success of eBay is based on its capacity to transform many splintered, predominantly local markets into global ones at a comparatively low cost to its users (Simonsohn, 2010). People have always had a basic need and an appeal in buying and selling used objects and collectibles items. Prior to eBay, people would have tried to sell their unwanted items through family garage sales, classified ads, and flea markets. Nevertheless, the amount of people accessible to sell these items to was limited due to the fact that face-to-face transactions were almost always required. Another great example of a powerful digital firm would be Google. Google isnt just legendary for producing and providing useful services, but it has also acquired a few innovative businesses and integrated them. These include YouTube, Blogger, Picasa and Jaiku. Google used its digital background to take advantage of opportunities in the global business world, making them one of the most powerful businesses to date (Google, 2010). Types of Information Systems For most organizations, there are many different requirements for data or information. Senior managers continually need up-to-date information to help aide in their business decisions. Mid-level managers may need a bit more detailed information to assist them in monitoring and managing a multitude of different business dealings. Lastly, supervisors and employees with operational roles need information in order for them to perform their everyday jobs. Consequently, organizations tend to have a number of information systems operating at the same time. The three I will be discussing are the management information system (MIS), decision-support systems (DSS), and the transaction processing system (TPS). Management Information System A management information system (MIS) management information system (MIS)System used to extract data from a database and compile reports that help managers make routine decisions. obtains data from a database to compose reports, such as detail reports, summary reports, exception reports, and financial statements to assist managers in making better decisions. The different types of reports depend on the specific information a particular manager may require. A MIS is largely involved with internal sources of information. MIS generally receive data from the transaction processing systems (TPS) and reduce it into a sequence of management reports. MIS reports generally are used by mid-level managers and operational supervisors (Laudon Laudon, 2006). Decision-Support Systems A decision support system (DSS)decision support system (DSS)Interactive system that extracts, integrates, and displays data from multiple sources to help managers make nonroutine decisions. is an interactive system that gathers, displays, and combines information from various sources to help managers make non-routine decisions. DSS are explicitly designed to help management make decisions in circumstances where there is doubt about the potential results of those decisions. DSS are made up of tools and procedures to help gather pertinent information and analyze decisions and alternatives. DSS often requires the use of complex spreadsheets and databases to produce what-if models (Laudon Laudon, 2006). Transaction Processing Systems The majority of organizations day-to-day activities are documented and processed by its transaction processing system (TPS)transaction processing system (TPS)Information system used to record and process an organizations daily activities or transactions., which collect input data and changes them into output information meant for a variety of users. Input data are called transactions which are transactionsFinancial and nonfinancial events that affect a businessevents that affect a business. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are intended to process everyday transactions accurately and efficiently. A business may have several transaction processing systems to include; billing systems, payroll and tax payments systems, production and purchasing systems, or stock control systems to handle all movements into and out of the organization (Laudon Laudon, 2006). Challenges Posed by Information Systems Although the many different types of information systems are available to an organization and can be extremely beneficial to its growth, there are some management challenges. Some of these challenges include the tension related to designing and building the information systems, the need for training for both management and employees, and the need to establish which information systems is the most critical, therefore which system receives the majority of the funding. For an organization to overcome these challenges they need establish exactly what is needed in terms of information systems. Next, they need to schedule and provide proper training to all company personnel, so they are familiar with the systems. Finally, they need to develop a method of accounting for the cost of the systems and their priority. Key Enterprise Applications Most organizations compete in an rapidly changing, aggressive, global environment. Operating in a global environment forces an organization to concentrate on the most cost-effective implementation of its processes, customer service, and speed at which their products or services are brought to market. To achieve these lofty goals, it is essential that the organization freely exchange useful information across different functions, levels, and business departments. By incorporating all its processes, the organization can more effectively exchange information between departments, customers, and suppliers. The four key enterprise applications are enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems. Enterprise Systems Enterprise systems incorporate the vital business processes of an organization into a separate software system. Data from a variety of functional areas are centrally housed and maintained where they can be retrieved and utilized by other functional processes. This alters an organizations work flow. Now information can effortlessly run throughout the organization, increasing synchronization, efficiency, and decision making. Enterprise systems are extremely tricky to employ successfully and once employed, are especially hard to change. Enterprise systems, also known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems solve problems by providing a single information system for organization-wide coordination and integration of key business processes (Laudon Laudon, 2006, p. 56). Supply Chain Management Systems Supply chain management (SCM) can be described as an overseeing of resources, information, and finances as they move form supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and finally to the consumer. Supply chain management requires managing and integrating the information, goods, and services flow together within and amongst organizations. Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) are used to help an organization manage its relationship with suppliers to optimize the planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery of goods and services. SCMS supply information to aide suppliers, purchasing organizations, wholesale distributors, and logistic companies coordinate, schedule, and control business processes for their products and services (Su Yang, 2010). Customer Relationship Management Systems Many businesses make more profit from ongoing relationships with their customers than from the original sale. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term applied to processes implemented by an organization to handle its contact with its customers. Customer relationship management systems (CRMS) concentrates on the coordination all of the business processes encompassing the organizations with its customers in sales, marketing, customer satisfaction, revenue optimizing services, and customer retention (Laudon Laudon, 2006). In todays highly-competitive business surroundings, the success of an organization relies greatly upon maintaining and exceeding customer expectations for both service and value. Knowledge Management Systems Knowledge management is the specific management of essential knowledge and information acquired by individuals so that it can be is effectively shared and made use of by other personnel in the organization. Through the successful sharing of corporate intellectual assets, Organizational Knowledge must be efficiently changed into business intellect. Personal knowledge concerning a business process must be converted into corporate knowledge ensuring it applied throughout consistently, ensuring maximum benefit to the organization. The main function of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) must be to make information obtainable to all authorized users (Laudon Laudon, 2006). However, implementing a straightforward information management system, file indexing and retrieval system is only the start. Securing corporate knowledge requires more than software and technology, it requires solid document management software and cultural alteration of how information is produced, handled, stored, and distributed.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Study sources E and F and the site at Quarry bank mill. :: essays research papers
I am studying how useful sources E and F are in arriving at an accurate explanation of how apprentices were treated at Quarry Bank Mill in the early 1840s. Source E was written by Robert Hyde Greg in 1843, 7 years after the incident happened. Robert H. Greg was the son of Samuel Greg, he was the original owner of Quarry Bank Mill. By 1836, which was when the Esther Price ran away, Robert H. Greg had inherited the mill. Source F was written in 1838, by a man called John Doherty. He was a campaigner for reducing children?s hours of employment in cotton mills. Doherty had also been in prison for organising pickets. The magistrate was a close friend of Samuel Greg, because of this John Doherty campaigned many times to close down and taint the reputation of Quarry Bank Mill. Both sources E and F are accounts of Esther Price?s escape from Quarry Bank Mill to Liverpool at end of August 1836 with her friend Lucy Garner. Esther Price had asked to go to Liverpool during Wakes week, a holiday week when the factory was shut, but she was refused. She had two reasons for running away, she had heard that her father was ill and wanted to visit him. The other reason was to collect her birth certificate to prove that she was actually older than her indenture said so that she could get a paid job earlier as apprentices were not paid. An indenture was the contract that an apprentice signed to say that the child would work for Mr. Greg for a set amount of years, normally seven, and that if they broke any of the rules of that contract the boss had permission to punish them. In source E it says that Esther price and her friend Lucy Garner ran away from the apprentice house on Saturday night. Lucy came back 5 days later on Thursday and Esther came back 5 days after that on Tuesday. When the girls came back, they were each put into solitary confinement. Lucy Garner did not have her windows boarded up. However Esther Prices did, Robert H. Greg said it was also ?partly to prevent her escape.? It says in source E Robert H. Greg wanted to punish them by cutting off the girls? hair, but his sister sally Greg and Mrs Shawcross, the former superintendent argued against this.
Jeremy Rifkins The End of Work :: Jeremy Rifkin The End of Work
Jeremy Rifkin's "The End of Work" Â Â Â Â Â Individuals tend to develop a false sense of security concerning the certainty of their jobs. After working for an organization for fifteen or more years, it is difficult for them to understand that their employers may no longer need their service. Jeremy Rifkin wrote The End of Work in order to warn people about what he foresees may be happening to the global labour force because of a rapid increase in the use of automation in the workplace. He identifies what he believes are causes of the problems which we are currently facing within the organizational structure along with some potential solutions. Rifkin's ideas may be relevant to most peoples lives including ours. The reactions of six currently employed persons to Rifkin's message will be included in this text. These professionals include a technical manager, a convenience store owner, a cashier for Marriot food services, a Residence-Life Staff Coordinator, a Part- Time Credit Card Service Assistant and an Assembler for an Electrical Switch- Gear Manufacturing Company. Â Â Â Â Â Rifkin observes that the main problem of mass global employment in both the private and public sectors is caused by the continuing advances in technology and it's impacts on organizations, it's structure and design and it's direct effect on the global labour force. In particular, organizations are using the concept of re-engineering and replacing human labour with labour saving technologies. Rifkin gives us a better understanding of the development of the cause of this problem by examining the three industrial revolutions. In the first industrial revolution, Rifkin identifies steam power as the major tool used by industrial and manufacturing sectors. In the second industrial revolutions the electrical innovation effected the manufacturing, agricultural and transport industries by further reducing the global labour force. Â Â Â Â Â Unlike the past, two industrial revolutions where industrial technologies replace the physical power of human labour, the third revolution (The Information Age), at present, is contributing new computer based technology which are involving into thinking machines. These thinking machines will evolve to the extent that eventual the human mind will be replaced in all economic activities. In particular, advancements in computer technology including parallel processing and artificial intelligence (robots) are going to cause a large number of white collar workers to be redundant in the near future. Furthermore as a result of advancement in the information and telecommunications technologies, organizations are using the concept of re-engineering to restructure their organizations to make them more computer friendly. As a direct result of this, training employees in multi-level skills, shortening and simplifying production and distribution processes and streamlining administration. One example of this is the global auto industry which is
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Ems Ukase Essay examples -- International Affairs Germany Ukraine
The Ems Ukase During the 1800s, Ukraine was under the powerful rule of Russian tsars who dictated over the entire Russian empire. The Ukrainians were used to being held under a heavy hand though, and at this point in time, groups of men call Cossacks were gathering in numbers to fight against the outside authority over their homeland and to once and for all bring freedom to Ukraine. Nostalgia of the original Cossacks and â€Å"national revival among the Ukrainians since around 1840†became fused with â€Å"ideas of Enlightenment in the works of people like Taras Shevchenko (1814-61) and Myhailo Drahomanov (1841-95) among others†(Pavlychko Page 6). In 1863, Petr Valeuv, the Russian minister of internal affairs created a â€Å"repressive anti-Ukrainian policy†to downgrade nationalism in Ukraine and even being to punish and arrest those participating in honoring their area of the Russian empire (Encylopedia of Ukraine 2001). By 1875, a commission was organized to investigate â€Å"Ukrainophile propaganda in the southern areas of Russia†(Encylopedia of Ukraine 2001). As a result of this investigation, a â€Å"secret decree written on May 30, 1876 by Russian tsar Alexander II†was written called the Ems Ukase (Encylopedia of Ukraine 2001). â€Å"The Ems Ukase was issued in response to the growing Ukrainian nationalism movement and the unrest of Ukrainian Cossacks†(Nationamaster 2003). Issued in the town of Ems, Germany (hence the name), the decree was also known as the â€Å"Yuzefovich Ukase†after its author, Mikhail Yuzefovich, who was the deputy curator of the Kiev school district (Encyclopedia of Ukraine 2001). The policy itself â€Å"banned publication of all Ukrainian- published texts except for belles-lettres and h... ...ited Ems Ukase 2001. Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Ems Ukase 2003. Hrycak, A. 2004. Schooling, language and the policy-making power of state bureaucrats in Ukraine. Reeds College. Pavlychko, S. Modernism vs. Populism in Fin de Siecle Ukrainian Literature. Page 6. Rancour-Laferriere, D. 2000. Nationalism, Extremism and Xenophobia : Imagining Russia: ethnic identity and the nationalist mind. University of California. Short History of Ukraine. - kap2 Ukrainians 2005. Centre for Russian Studies.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Biff Loman and Tom Wingfield Analysis Essay
Growing up is a major part of human life. For males, a strong father figure is imperative during childhood and adolescence. This is needed for the child to develop their father’s characteristics by learning from them and following in their father’s footsteps. However, two characters, lack a strong father figure and it affects them negatively. These two characters are Biff Loman, from Death of a Salesman and Tom Wingfield, from The Glass Menagerie. Both are affected differently by the deficiency of a father whom has favorable traits that would be salutary to both characters development. Instead they form the same unfavorable characteristics as their father. These traits cause them to begin to live in a fantasy world that their fathers also had lived in. For both characters, the lack of a strong father figure leads them to develop detrimental personality traits that ultimately distance them from their families and the ones that they love. In Death of a Salesman, the main character, Willy Loman is consumed by his false pretenses of what a real man should be. These illusions include how he believes that a real man is measured by how big his bank account is and how popular he is. Willy feeds these falsities into the mind of his eldest son, Biff, who believes them to be true since he looks up to his father so much. Biff would do anything to appease his father, but his whole world comes crumbling down when he realizes that his father has been unfaithful and has cheated on his wife. At this time Biff realizes that he has been living a fantasy due to all the hot air that his father has been feeding him, but it is too late and the damage has already been done. Biff has developed all of the same unwanted traits that his father had. Biff cannot work for anyone as he feels it makes him unsuccessful as his father had been. Also the confinement that his father has caused him leads him to want to escape from it all and he deserts his family to go out West. During the play he comes back but he meeting his father brings back up Biff’s upbringing and he realizes that he needs to escape from all the bad pretenses that Willy has feed him. In the sense Biff did not physically lack a father, but the fact that Willy’s characteristics were so detrimental to Biff show that Biff did in fact lack a characteristically sound father. In The Glass Menagerie, Tom Wingfield experiences a similar predicament as Biff. In the play, Tom and his family are deserted by Tom’s father when Tom was young. This lack of a father shows to be nothing but detrimental to Tom’s development as a man. Tom begins to feel trapped in by his handicapped sister and over-bearing mother. He then realizes why his father left, to escape the unwanted pressure that the family has caused. Tom then begins to develop these same characteristics as his father. He wants to live his life like the ones that he sees in movies but he realizes that, like his father he needs to first escape from his current life, so he deserts his family in search for a better life for himself. Unlike his father though, he stayed as long as he could to try to put them in a better position and then he was going to leave. Even still, the characteristics he developed due to the lack of a father caused him to desert his family. Biff and Tom both lack a strong father figure in their lives. As a result they know nothing better and they are forced to develop the same unfavorable traits as their fathers. The results for both characters are different as both fathers have unique faults, but the main result is the same. This ultimate result is that both characters fall quickly from their fantasy world that have been instilled onto them by their fathers and they come to face the harshness that is reality. They cannot face this and they have to escape from it and desert their family. Glass Menagerie, Tennessee WilliamsDeath of a Salesman,Arthur Miller
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